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The numio library is a short collection of routines to help one with doing the short of input and output that other languages have mistakenly caused the average programmer to take for granted. When tracking the state of INTERCAL's Turing-tape feels too uninterestingly annoying to be worth managing, or when you just really need to output numbers without being insulted by your standard error stream, this collection of routines is available to let you off the hook you deserve to remain upon.

Here is the complete summary of routines provided by numio.i:

(3000) .1 <- character from input
(3001) Prints .2 as a character
(3010) ,1 <- a string of input from the user, no longer than .1, and
excluding the terminating newline.
.2 <- the real length of the user input.
.3 <- #1 if .2.1 (i.e., no characters were lost).
Otherwise, .3 <- #2.
(3020) ,1 <- a string of input from the user, no longer than .1,
translated (where possible) into indices into ,2
.3 <- the real length of the user input.
.4 <- #1 if .3.1 and all characters in the input are
listed in ,2. Otherwise, .4 <- #2.
(3080) .1 <- a 16-bit number from the user
(3089) .1 <- a 16-bit number from the user, with an error message if
non-digits are encountered
(3090) Displays the value in .1
(3099) Displays the value in .1 and prints a newline
(3180) :1 <- a 32-bit number from the user
(3189) :1 <- a 32-bit number from the user, with an error message if
non-digits are encountered
(3190) Displays the value in :1
(3199) Displays the value in :1 and prints a newline
(3990) Initializes internal arrays.

numio.i reserves the use of two arrays — ,3000 and ,3001 — for input and output respectively. Each array has one dimension of one element, and they are used to provide a getchar routine, at (3000), and a putchar routine, (3001). Note that (3001) expects that the character values have already been bit-reversed. The arrays are initialized by routine (3990); this should be called before using any other routines in this library.

Routines (3010) and (3020) provide line input capabilities. The routines write in characters until they see a newline (or end-of-file), and store them in ,1. They are called with .1 being the number of characters to save; any input after that is thrown away. (Already they're better than C's gets()!)

(3010) returns the actual number of characters that were input in .2, and .3 is set to #2 if characters were lost (i.e., if .2 is longer than .1). I decided to add .3, even though the caller could check for this themselves, as inequal comparisons are a bit painful in INTERCAL. Or, to be accurate, they're more painful than equal comparisons. Note also that if .1 is #0, the routine becomes a press-Enter-to-continue type of function, and ,1 need not actually be defined.

(3020) is a filtering, or translating, input routine. When called, the array ,2 should contain a set of "approved" characters that are expected to be in the input, and .2 should contain the number of characters in ,2. As input is retrieved, the routine looks up each character in ,2. If the character is approved, the routine stores in ,1 the index of the character instead. (Otherwise the actual character number is stored, as with (3010).) Upon return, .3 has the number of characters that were input, and .4 is set to #2 if characters were lost or if any characters in the input were not in the set of approved characters.

The remaining routines are for doing "wimpmode"-style I/O - or in other words, the C-INTERCAL equivalent of atoi and itoa. (3080) and (3090) translate the ASCII input as a number (yes, a number as in [0-9]*), and (3090) and (3190) do the same for displaying numbers in ASCII. (By the way, the routines can also be made to support EBCDIC: simply replace #3 with #15 on lines 41, 81, and 107.)

Each routine also has a "niner" variation. For itoa, (3099) and (3190) print a newline at the end of the number. In the case of atoi, (3089) and (3189) make sure that the number ends with a newline. In other words, they ensure there are no other non-numeric characters in the input line. If there are, a typically snide INTERCAL error message is displayed. (The regular versions work like C's atoi() in that they return as soon as they see any non-digit.)

There's not too much else to note about these routines. The atoi routines use the shift-and-add trick to avoid multiplying by 10, so they should be pretty efficient (snort). itoa has no such shortcuts, and the routines use the modified division routine which also returns the remainder. The 16-bit version is at (2030), and is the familiar one created by Louis Howell, copied from syslib2.i. The 32-bit version is at (2530), and is just a copy of the standard library routine without the lines that throw away the remainder at the end.

Note also that for these routines to work properly, they must be used more or less exclusively in regards to other array I/O. Otherwise, the getchar and putchar subroutines will get out of synch with the Turing-text character loop. If you do want to do other I/O while using these routines, you can use (3000) and (3001) as a getchar and putchar. Or, you can simply re-initialize the ,3000 and/or ,3001 values after you are done, by storing in them the ASCII value of the last character that you wrote in and/or read out. For example, if you have displayed some strings and the last thing to be printed was a newline, then:

	DO ,3001SUB#1 <- #80

would allow you to safely call the itoa routines, since 80 is the bit-reversal of 10.

Brian Raiter