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A Unicode character browser for the terminal

I originally created ubrowse as an exercise in learning how to use UTF-8 strings with ncurses. However, long after that, I still find myself using the program for its ostensible purpose of browsing the Unicode character set from the terminal. So I thought I should make it generally available.

Here's a sample "screen shot":

 21FD leftwards open-headed arrow     ⇽ 
 21FE rightwards open-headed arrow    ⇾ 
 21FF left right open-headed arrow    ⇿ 
 2200 for all                         ∀ 
 2201 complement                      ∁ 
 2202 partial differential            ∂ 
 2203 there exists                    ∃ 
 2204 there does not exist            ∄ 
 2205 empty set                       ∅ 
 2206 increment                       ∆ 
 2207 nabla                           ∇ 
 2208 element of                      ∈ 
 2209 not an element of               ∉ 
 220A small element of                ∊ 
 220B contains as member              ∋ 
 220C does not contain as member      ∌ 
 220D small contains as member        ∍ 
 220E end of proof                    ∎ 
 220F n-ary product                   ∏ 
 2210 n-ary coproduct                 ∐ 
 2211 n-ary summation                 ∑ 
 2212 minus sign                      − 
 2213 minus-or-plus sign              ∓ 
 2214 dot plus                        ∔ 
[21FD - 222C]
2215 division slash                  ∕
2216 set minus                       ∖
2217 asterisk operator               ∗
2218 ring operator                   ∘
2219 bullet operator                 ∙
221A square root                     √
221B cube root                       ∛
221C fourth root                     ∜
221D proportional to                 ∝
221E infinity                        ∞
221F right angle                     ∟
2220 angle                           ∠
2221 measured angle                  ∡
2222 spherical angle                 ∢
2223 divides                         ∣
2224 does not divide                 ∤
2225 parallel to                     ∥
2226 not parallel to                 ∦
2227 logical and                     ∧
2228 logical or                      ∨
2229 intersection                    ∩
222A union                           ∪
222B integral                        ∫
222C double integral                 ∬

In addition to general paging commands, the program lets you browse through character blocks, and to search the descriptive names. Alternately, when used in a pipeline, ubrowse will display the full name of each character on standard input — useful for identifying ambiguous-looking codepoints.

The code in this distribution is made available under the MIT license. Share and Enjoy. Questions and comments should be directed to me at

Brian Raiter