The Complete Anna Homler Discography |
Five Voices: Direct Sound
(Greetje Bijma, Shelley Hirsch, Anna Homler, David Moss, and Carles Santos) 1989 Intakt: CD 015
Anna Homler: Dō Ya Sa' Di Dō
subtitled: A Sonic Geography with Ethan James, Steve Moshier, David Moss, and Bernard Sauser-Hall 1992 AMF: AMF 1031
Voices of Kwahn: Rebirth
(Nigel Butler, Mark Davies, and Anna Homler) 1993 Max-Bilt: 01005-84002-2 (2-CD release)
Sugarconnection: Plays Alien Cakes
(Anna Homler, Frank Schulte, and Axel Otto) 1994 No Man's Land: nml 9420 CD
Pavel Fajt, Anna Homler, and Geert Waegeman: Macaronic Sines
1995 Lowlands: LOW 002
Voices of Kwahn: Silver Bowl Transmission
(Anna Homler and The Pylon King [aka Mark Davies]) 1996 North South Records: VOK 100CD
Voices of Kwahn: Peninsular Enclosure
(Anna Homler and The Pylon King [aka Mark Davies]) 1997 Swarf Finger Records: SF 015
Pavel Fajt, Anna Homler, and Geert Waegeman: Corne de Vache
with Koen Van Roy 1997 Victo: cd047
Voices of Kwahn: Operation Dismantled Sun
(Anna Homler and The Pylon King [aka Mark Davies]) 1998 Swarf Finger Records: SF 014
Anna Homler: House of Hands
with Viola Kramer, Steve Roden, Nadine Bal & Alain Neffe, and Lyn Norton 2000 ND: NDCD12
Puppetina: Piewacket!
(Anna Homler and Stephanie Payne) 2001 Pasha Nina Teen Recordings: PNT001
The Chopstick Sisters: l'une bouge, l'autre pas …
(Nadine Bal, Anna Homler, and Alain Neffe) 2004 3patttes: 107 3-inch CD release
Homler/Liebig Duo: Kelpland Serenades
(Anna Homler and Steuart Liebig) 2005 pfMENTUM: CD029
Drift: Bypass Thru the Sky
(Anna Homler, Brad Cooper, Randy Greif, and Atom Smith) 2007 Swinging Axe: 10000
Anna Homler & Sylvia Hallett: The Many Moods of Bread and Shed
2012 The Orchestra Pit Recording Company: OP14
Anna Homler & Steve Moshier: Breadwoman & Other Tales
Here & Here & Here
(Anna Homler, Jeff Kaiser, Michael Vlatkovich, Scott Walton, Rich West) 2015 pfMENTUM: CD084
Deliquium in C
with Alessio Capovilla, Steven Warwick, Mark Davies, and Steve Moshier 2019 Präsens Editionen: PE-016 vinyl & digital release
1987 Aztlan Records: AZT 1002 LP release
Radio Tokyo Tapes, Vol. 4: Women
1989 Chameleon Records: D2-74810
Holly Word
1990 Rhino Records: 71008 cassette release
1991 Aztlan Records LP release
The Aerial #4
1991 Nonsequitur: AER 1991/4
Toy Vox
(date of release unknown) Pointless Music cassette release
Poetic Silhouettes
1993 AMF: AMF 1034
Le Sacre Du Primtemps
1994 Gonzo Circus: GC007
A Sheep on the Bus: volume 4, spring 1994
1994 Printed Matter, Inc.: #7947 cassette release
A Highly Ragged Guide to My Kind of Blue(s)
1995 AMF: AMF 1047
Twilight Earth — Second International Soirée
1995 Timebase: time 4
Everything is Low
subtitled: 15 Highlights from Lowlands 1995 Lowlands: LOW 004
1996 Prikosnovénie: Prik 010
Damaged Californians: Music from Film and Video
1996 Damaged Californians
1997 Berslton: 19 511 15
Ambient Intimacy volume 1
1998 EE Tapes: ET50 CD-r release
Reviste de Arte Sonoro — 4
1999 ((RAS))
World Festival of Sacred Music — The Americas
2000 Bindu Records: WF1001 2-CD release
LMC … the first 25 years
2000 Res8.2CD / Res9.1CD 2-CD release
Alles Lalula, vol. 2
subtitled: Songs & Poeme: Von der Beat-Generation bis heute Wolfgang Hörner & Herbert Kapfer (editors) 2003 LIDO: ISBN 3-8218-5242-9 2-CD release
A Classic Guide to No Man's Land
subtitled: Pieces & Songs 2003 No Man's Land: nml 0329 2-CD release
Untitled Songs
subtitled: 49 years from gesang der jünglinge (2005-1956) 2005 Sirr: sirr 0020 2-CD release
Freedom of the City 2005
2006 Emanem: 4216 2-CD release
The Blorp Esette Gazette, volume 1
2013 Ace & Duce / Transparency: 0382
FTS 003
2018 First Terrace Records: FTS 003 vinyl & digital release
Miike: Rooms
(Miike Keppler) 1992 Freistil Records: 9203
Radius #2
1993 ¿What Next? / Nonsequitur: WN0014
Frederick Moore: Lives of the Saints
1994 Burned Tongue: 0294
Frank Schulte: Switchbox
1995 No Man's Land: nml 9421
Dirk Raulf & Frank Schulte: teatime, Volume 1
1996 Poise Records: poise 01
Paul Haslinger: World Without Rules
1996 RGB Records: rgb 504-2
Acorn: Sustenance
(Andrew P. Crane) 1996
Pointless Orchestra: Approaching Totality
(Mike Foster, John Hajeski, and Mike Hovancsek) 1997 Without Fear: WFR #0002
Dirk Raulf & Frank Schulte: teatime, Volume 2
1998 Poise Records: poise 06/1 - 06/2 2-CD release
Geert Waegeman: Vegetal Digitables
2000 Lowlands: LOW 013
Pointless Orchestra: The Angel Scratch Recording Project
(Mike Hovancsek) 2001
Anomalous Disturbances: The Spirit Molecule
(Terry O'Brien) 2002 Anomalous Disturbances: A.D.01
Thomas Dimuzio: mono::poly
2002 Gench Music: Gench 1001 2-CD release
Anomalous Disturbances: Archive One
(Terry O'Brien) 2004 Anomalous Disturbances: AD 03
Human Flesh: Songs For The Victims (From A Decaying Country)
(Alain Neffe) 2006 EE Tapes: EE01
Human Flesh: Penumbra
(Alain Neffe) 2007 EE Tapes: EE10
Endogamic: La Caja de Pandara: International Edition
[a.k.a. Antonio Murga & Friends: Pandara's Box: International Edition] 2016 bandcamp: digital release
Anna Homler has her own web presence for herself and for her Pharmacia Poetica. Visit for information about Homler and all of her artistic activities.