The Complete Anna Homler Discography


Anna Homler and Steve Moshier: Breadwoman  [Album Cover]
Pharmacia Poetica: PP011
cassette release

A1. Ee Chê  8:00
A2. ŎŎ Nu Dah  5:57
B1. Gu She' Na' Di  5:29
B2. Giyah  4:40
B3. Yesh' Te  4:06

  • Each track consists of Homler singing, with music composed by Moshier.
  • Tracks A1, A2, and B3 are identical to the similarly-named tracks on Dō Ya Sa' Di Dō.
  • The contents of this casette were also released on CD on Breadwoman & Other Tales, 30 years later.

Five Voices: Direct Sound  [Album Cover]
(Greetje Bijma, Shelley Hirsch, Anna Homler, David Moss, and Carles Santos)
Intakt: CD 015

1. Tramontana Tremens  2:34 [DM/CS]
2. Hot Snakes  1:36 [GB]
3. Electric Ego  2:22 [GB]
4. Song  4:28 [SH]
5. May Na Donska  1:33 [AH/DM]
6. Canto  4:23 [CS]
7. Why? Bye!  1:22 [GB]
8. Together Before Jumping  3:39 [DM]
9. The Physicist  2:48 [SH/AH/CS]
10. Signals  2:37 [AH]
11. Long Time No Seen  1:50 [GB/SH]
12. Edges  2:16 [SH/DM]
13. Two Low  2:53 [GB/DM]
14. That Tempest  4:36 [DM]

  • Note that there are no musical instruments on this album, other than the five vocalists.
  • As can be seen from the above, Homler appears on three tracks. Little of her vocals involve singing, as least not in the conventional sense of the word. (Then again, the same could be said of most of the other tracks as well.)

Anna Homler: Dō Ya Sa' Di Dō  [Album Cover]
subtitled: A Sonic Geography
with Ethan James, Steve Moshier, David Moss, and Bernard Sauser-Hall
AMF: AMF 1031

1. E'che  8:02 [SM]
2. Conversation  1:12 [DM]
3. Oo Nu Diya  3:24 [EJ]
4. Karu Karu  4:38 [EJ]
5. Steel Drum Song  2:57 [DM]
6. Oo Nu Da  4:55 [SM]
7. E` Sa U  2:47 [BSH]
8. Nightsong  3:11 [BSH]
9. Sirens  4:22 [SM]
10. Yesh`te  4:04 [SM]
11. Dō Ya Sa' Di Dō  4:06 [BSH]

  • Tracks 1, 6, and 10 are identical to the similarly-named tracks on Breadwoman.
  • Every track features vocals by Homler. A couple of tracks also include vocals by David Moss.
  • This is an excellent release, and is probably still the best introduction to Homler if you've never heard her work before.

Voices of Kwahn: Rebirth  [Album Cover]
(Nigel Butler, Mark Davies, and Anna Homler)
Max-Bilt: 01005-84002-2
(2-CD release)

A1. Rebirth, part 1  3:52
A2. Third Whale Trip  7:23 [AH]
A3. Re-evolution  9:47
A4. The Enlightenment  8:39
A5. Return Journey  13:04 [AH]
A6. The Transformation  21:41
B1. Ya Yae Ya Yo Yo Yo, mix 1  6:55 [AH]
B2. Ya Yae Ya Yo Yo Yo, mix 2  6:20 [AH]
B3. Return Journey  7:05 [AH]
B4. Rebirth, part 2  6:55 [AH]

  • The music on this release is early electronica/dance. Homler is more of a guest performer rather than an full-fledged member of the band, and her vocals make only brief appearances on disc A. (On the up side, the music also briefly samples Jan DeGaetani, from George Crumb's Ancient Voices of Children.)
  • These two CDs combine an LP and an EP released earlier.

Sugarconnection: Plays Alien Cakes  [Album Cover]
(Anna Homler, Frank Schulte, and Axel Otto)
No Man's Land: nml 9420 CD

1.    1:38
2.    1:21
3.    2:14
4.    :39
5.    2:24
6.    4:11
7.    1:56
8.    4:18
9.    2:41
10.    2:37
11.    4:43
12.    2:32
13.    :34
14.    5:45
15.    1:38
16.    2:28
17.    3:45
18.    2:12
19.    4:44
20.    3:01

  • The tracks on this CD are identified by small line drawings, rather than with textual names (see image).
  • Homler's vocals make numerous appearances on this album, although there are also several tracks with no vocals.
  • Few or no conventional musical instruments appear on this album; the music is based more on electronics and "found sounds".

Pavel Fajt, Anna Homler, and Geert Waegeman: Macaronic Sines  [Album Cover]
Lowlands: LOW 002

1. Volapuk Smile  4:52 [PF/AH/GW]
2. Bottle Song  4:38 [PF/AH/GW]
3. Torch Tango  4:23 [AH/GW]
4. Komida Kapak  3:19 [PF/AH/GW]
5. Angels, Beasts and Cowboys  5:35 [AH/GW]
6. Roma  3:27 [PF/GW]
7. Warp Sas  5:30 [PF/AH/GW]
8. Bridge  4:11 [PF]
9. Sine Wave Waltz  2:57 [AH/GW]
10. Postcard from Anza Sind  5:56 [PF/AH/GW]
11. Ele'luku  5:03 [PF/AH/GW]
12. M'bó Yé Yé  2:41 [AH/GW]
13. Blue Movies, Secret Agents  4:24 [GW]
14. The Mystery of the Knife, Fork and Spoon  3:17 [PF/AH/GW]
15. O͝O'na To'yé  3:25 [AH/GW]

  • Homler's vocals appear on most of the tracks. A few (5, 8, and 14) feature lyrics in English.
  • Guest artists on this album include: Paul Chavez, Mark Debroey, Steven De Bruyn, David Moss, Roman Racek, and Koen Van Roy.
  • The title of track 11, "Ele'luku", hints at the fact that the track features a bowed ukulele.
  • If your browser is not rendering the title of the final track correctly, it is "OO'na To'yé" with a breve over the initial OO.
  • This one remains my favorite of all Homler's albums. There isn't a single uninteresting track here. Each member of this trio have their own unique sound and style, and all the various combinations of the three produce something worth listening to.

Voices of Kwahn: Silver Bowl Transmission  [Album Cover]
(Anna Homler and The Pylon King [aka Mark Davies])
North South Records: VOK 100CD

1. Annunciation  4:37
2. Silver Bowl  12:32
3. Spirit and the Signal  9:26
4. Bowl Worship  9:44
5. Templex  10:44
6. The Great Call  9:30

  • The music here is unlike the earlier Voices of Kwahn release. The music is less ambient, and traditional dance-beat lines are occasionally forsaken in favor of looped samples of found sounds.
  • Homler's vocals make prominent appearances on most of the tracks. (And this is the only Voices of Kwahn release that I would consider essential for Homler fans.)

Voices of Kwahn: Peninsular Enclosure  [Album Cover]
(Anna Homler and The Pylon King [aka Mark Davies])
Swarf Finger Records: SF 015

1. Welcome  3:58
2. The Enclosure  6:27
3. Colonist Dreamer  5:02
4. Peninsular Song  5:48
5. The Cabinet  5:49
6. Eclipsed + bonus track  45:09

  • The main section of track 6, "Eclipsed", has a length of 16:30. The bonus track has a length of 8:39. The two are separated by 20 minutes of silence.
  • The music on this Voices of Kwahn release is yet another step in the same direction as the previous release. Sampling and "found sounds" comprise the bulk of the source material. Homler's vocals are somewhat less in evidence on this release.

Pavel Fajt, Anna Homler, and Geert Waegeman: Corne de Vache  [Album Cover]
with Koen Van Roy
Victo: cd047

1. In My Dream  5:30 [PF/AH/GW]
2. Iron Rain  3:49 [PF/GW]
3. His Master's Voice  2:47 [PF/AH/GW]
4. Liliënthal's Draft  4:06 [GW]
5. Bongo Song  6:36 [PF/AH/GW]
6. Oo'ee  5:27 [AH]
7. Solar Excursions  4:03 [PF/AH/KVR/GW]
8. King of Onions  7:44 [AH/GW]
9. Tanaček  4:58 [PF]
10. Too Much White  1:55 [AH/KVR/GW]
11. Rosalie  4:29 [AH/GW]
12. Blue Flame Blue  9:28 [PF/AH/GW]

  • This is a recording of a live performance at Victoriaville, as part of the 13th International Festival of Music Actuelle.
  • This release is unusual in that, even though Homler is the only vocalist, about half of the lyrics are in English.
  • The words to track 10 are the same as the final track of Plays Alien Cakes, although the music is completely different.
  • Raul Vincent Enriquez is credited with performing on track 12 as well.
  • Homler identifies the trio/quartet to the audience as "Macaronic Sines", even though they are never identified by that name on the album (nor, for that matter, on the album called Macaronic Sines).

Voices of Kwahn: Operation Dismantled Sun  [Album Cover]
(Anna Homler and The Pylon King [aka Mark Davies])
Swarf Finger Records: SF 014

1. Auto Quest  4:32
2. Task Force Dreamer  4:47
3. New Faith  4:36
4. You Will Never See My Eyes  5:22
5. Dismantled Son  14:45
6. Remember Me This Way  5:59

  • Homler's vocals make only "background" appearances on this release. Somewhat as with the Rebirth release, Homler's vocals are treated more as a sound source for sampling, rather than as a main ingredient of the music. (The two albums are otherwise very different, however.)

Anna Homler: House of Hands  [Album Cover]
with Viola Kramer, Steve Roden, Nadine Bal & Alain Neffe, and Lyn Norton

1. Jungle Cake  3:07 [VK]
2. Fingerhut  2:12 [VK]
3. Oo-ee  3:37 [VK]
4. Robot Love Song  2:36 [VK]
5. Barcata  1:28 [LN]
6. Rue Clarisse  1:36 [B&N]
7. Ejó Wob'có  3:21 [SR]
8. Die Hände  3:07 [VK]
9. E'sha Ko'la Kee'yo  2:47 [VK]
10. Pillow Song  5:27 [SR]
11. Rosalie  6:02 [VK]
12. Dosomeli  5:15 [SR]

  • Homler's vocals appear on every track. Note that a couple of tracks (2, 8) have German lyrics, and one track (11) has English lyrics.
  • Track 11 is essentially a longer version of the song of the same name on Corne de Vache. The performance, however, is completely different in style and substance.
  • Tracks 3 and 4 bear familial resemblences to tracks on Corne de Vache.

Puppetina: Piewacket!  [Album Cover]
(Anna Homler and Stephanie Payne)
Pasha Nina Teen Recordings: PNT001

1. M-Bira Song  3:05
2. Café Song  2:22
3. Do Wa Do  4:33
4. Bell Song  4:13
5. Country Western Song  4:40
6. Sweet Clarina 12  3:55
7. Scary Song  3:06
8. Barbie Song  6:03
9. Organ Song  3:05
10. French Song  2:59
11. Bongo Song  6:49
12. Summer Song  2:30
13. Accordian Song  5:08
14. Monkey Jazz  6:18

  • Ethan Holtzman is credited with playing the accordian on two tracks (2 and 10).
  • Track 11 is a variant of the track of the same name on Corne de Vache.
  • This album was originally released in 2001. In 2005 it was rereleased with different cover art, which is the version shown here. The 2001 cover art (which can be seen here) included the subtitle Puppetina plays Pasha Ninateen. Pasha Ninateen was a group consisting of Anna Homler and Stephanie Payne along with Sharon Berman. To the best of my knowledge, Pasha Ninateen never relased any recordings of their own. (The 2001 liner notes also mistakenly omitted the number 10 in the track listing — thus tracks 10 through 14 were listed as 11 through 15.)

The Chopstick Sisters: l'une bouge, l'autre pas …  [Album Cover]
(Nadine Bal, Anna Homler, and Alain Neffe)
3patttes: 107
3-inch CD release

1. chân gà hấp  2:29
2. tôm chiên mè  2:20
3. vịt quay  1:54
4. thịt bò xào cà-ri  1:41
5. múc xào xá  1:34
6. gả  1:43
7. canh chua cay  1:50
8. mì vịt (ce soir)  2:40
9. mì xào vịt  1:58
10. bò cuốn lá bất  1:25

  • The final track is identical to "Rue Clarisse" on House of Hands.
  • Note that the name of the label is in fact spelled with three Ts.
  • Some of the accents on the titles listed here may not be entirely accurate, as the text on the CD is in cursive handwriting. I welcome corrections from knowledgeable sources.

Homler/Liebig Duo: Kelpland Serenades  [Album Cover]
(Anna Homler and Steuart Liebig)

1. Winter Street  6:52
2. Limbic  2:20
3. Blasted Landscape  3:26
4. Sputtery  3:53
5. Sidpaho  2:11
6. Fantasma  3:54
7. Time of Great Cold  4:59
8. Case in Point  5:30
9. Secret Heat  10:54
10. House of Mars  1:54
11. Mothlike  3:15
12. Sehnsucht  9:25
13. Radix Vitae  5:35

  • This release consists entirely of studio recordings of live (no dubbing) improvisational performances.
  • In addition to providing vocals on each track, Homler is credited with playing toys and found objects.
  • Liebig is credited with E-flat contrabass guitars, preparations, and live electronic manipulations.

Drift: Bypass Thru the Sky  [Album Cover]
(Anna Homler, Brad Cooper, Randy Greif, and Atom Smith)
Swinging Axe: 10000

1. glaxa.. red toy  8:19
2. no beliefs no reliefs  8:40
3. in the head of the sandman  10:11
4. the ultimate gadget  10:15
5. for charlotte who controls, my arms and legs  9:49
6. bypass through the sky  9:33
7.    11:20

  • Homler sings on all but one track on this release.
  • The seventh track is an unnamed and unlisted bonus track.

Anna Homler & Sylvia Hallett: The Many Moods of Bread and Shed  [Album Cover]
The Orchestra Pit Recording Company: OP14

1. Sea of Vapours  5:13
2. Plutonian Lullaby  6:25
3. Vishnu's Pond  5:26
4. Radio Fish  3:26
5. Jolly Chondra  2:13
6. Seething Bay  8:30
7. Yves's Eyes  4:41
8. Omina Notis  4:25
9. Ma'dona Sa'yē  2:29
10. Les Perdues  6:52

  • Homler performed with Sylvia Hallett under the name Bread & Shed. (Bread referred to Homler, in her earlier incarnation as Breadwoman). This is the only release that they produced.
  • Both Homler and Hallett are credited with playing numerous instruments, traditional and nontraditional both, throughout the album.

Anna Homler & Steve Moshier: Breadwoman & Other Tales  [Album Cover]

1. Ee Chê  8:03
2. Oo Nu Dah  6:01
3. Gu She' Na' Di  5:34
4. Giyah  5:00
5. Yesh' Te  4:11
6. Sirens  12:06
7. Celestial Ash  17:06

  • This is a CD release of Homler's original Breadwoman cassette, along with two extra tracks.
  • Track 6 is a longer version of the track of the same name on Dō Ya Sa' Di Dō.
  • Track 7 is an excerpt from a longer work, Deliquium in C.

Here & Here & Here  [Album Cover]
(Anna Homler, Jeff Kaiser, Michael Vlatkovich, Scott Walton, Rich West)

1. Dragon Beware  2:50
2. Here & Here & Here  7:31
3. Red Coda Soft  8:24
4. Before But After  2:12
5. Spark  5:23
6. Big Doors Little Windows  3:52
7. Oranger Than Happiness  3:13
8. Round Triangles  3:44
9. Your Ark Is Waiting  2:42
10. Three In Front Four In Back Toes  2:44
11. Salute  1:44
12. Choir Hose  3:05
13. Pfazzu  2:51
14. Thunderous Silence  3:36
15. Potozo  2:44

  • As with the previous pfMENTUM release, this a collection of live improvisations.

Deliquium in C  [Album Cover]
with Alessio Capovilla, Steven Warwick, Mark Davies, and Steve Moshier
Präsens Editionen: PE-016
vinyl & digital release

1. O'sa Va'ya  5:13 [AC]
2. Nepenthe  3:50 [SW]
3. Almost Beautiful  4:09 [MD]
4. Deliquium in C  15:25 [SM]

  • Steven Warwick is also known as Heatsick.
  • Mark Davies is also known as The Pylon King, the other half of Voices of Kwahn.
  • Note that although the track "Celestial Ash" on Breadwoman & Other Tales is listed as being an excerpt from "Deliquium in C", there is no actual overlap between it and track 4 on this release.


Awaken  [Album Cover]
Aztlan Records: AZT 1002
LP release

1. Factory: "Carnivore"  
2. Factory: "Vapor Lock"  
3. Killerwail: "The Contrast"  
4. Killerwail: "No One Way"  
5. Anna Homler: "Karu Karu"  
6. Anna Homler: "Santiago"  
7. Cecilia ±: "Nana"  
8. Cecilia ±: "My Little Boy [To my little boy that never lived:]"  
9. Lizzie Wilcox: "Sermonette"  
10. Twist Of Fate: "Looking For Cyndy"  
11. Twist Of Fate: "Back for More"  
12. The Vampyre Garden: "Now He's Happy"  
13. The Vampyre Garden: "Her Mirror's Lust"  

  • Ethan James is credited for the music on Homler's tracks.
  • Written backwards in the runout groove area is the text: "Message of the cloud people".

Radio Tokyo Tapes, Vol. 4: Women  [Album Cover]
Chameleon Records: D2-74810

1. The Ringling Sisters: "56 Reasons to Go Downtown"  4:50
2. The Screaming Sirens: "Little White Lies"  3:34
3. Olivia Barash and 13th Step: "Nothing"  3:00
4. Salem 66: "Thin Disguise"  3:26
5. Eve: "Stand Up"  3:28
6. The Lovedolls: "Pearls at Swine"  2:56
7. Sylvia Juncosa: "One in Three"  3:14
8. L7: "Sweet Sex"  3:30
9. La Loca: "Go Fuck Your Goat"  3:46
10. The Del Rubio Triplets: "Chicka Chicka Boom Chick"  2:42
11. The Holy Sisters of the Gaga Dada: "Paranoid"  2:40
12. Alisa and Kendy: "Beautician"  2:12
13. The Visiting Kids: "Trilobites"  3:23
14. Jane Bond and Jackson Del Rey: "Move On"  3:54
15. Lise Dickerson: "Perfect World"  2:47
16. Anna Homler: "Taryana"  2:37
17. Erin Kenney and Ethan James: "Veil of Tears"  3:49
18. Dos: "Till the Blood Runs"  3:10
19. Angel of the Odd: "Sheila"  4:09

  • Ethan James, the producer of the Radio Tokyo Tapes series, is credited for the music on Homler's track.

Holly Word  [Album Cover]
Rhino Records: 71008
cassette release

Scene I
1. Ruben Guevara: "La Nopalera"  2:07
2. Angelo Moore: "Leave A Message You Piece Of b/w Your Drafted"  2:18
3. Paul Kantner: "Windows of Heaven"  2:38
4. Patti D'Arbanville: "Missing Person"  1:07
5. Paul Body: "I Can't Wait To Die And Get To Heaven Because I Know Anna Magnani Will Be There"  :55
6. Judy Raphael: "One Of Six Girls At The UCLA Film School 1965-66"  1:51
7. Danny Weizmann: "The Citywide Conspiracy To Be Jim Morrison"  1:33
8. Lisa Freeman: "Dear Drew"  1:23
9. Harvey Robert Kubernik: "She's Down With Planet Patrol, Guy and The Bar-Kays"  :15
10. Pamela Des Barres: "November 11, 1966"  1:29
11. Michael Des Barres: "Let's Put The Stones Back Together"  2:35
12. Linda Albertano: "Excerpt From Alice And The Queen Of Teeth"  2:23
13. Drew Steele: "Who To Believe"  1:55
14. Mike Watt: "What (Watt) Gets Heard"  :46
15. Anna Homler: "The Search For The Letter R"  :33
16. Perry Farrell: "Letters to Xiola"  9:19
17. Marianne Braggs & Bradley Laner: "My Dreaming Solider"  1:26
18. Eve Brandstein: "Marlon Brando And Steve McQueen Came By On Their Motorcycles"  :41
19. Michael Lally: "Is It The Blues?"  4:48
20. Joel Lipman: "Not Enought"  1:10
21. Katey Segal: "Love Dependence"  1:28
22. Michael O'Keefe: "The Female Impersonator"  5:56
Scene II
1. Lisa Rafel: "Women"  :50
2. Tommy Swerdlow: "Funeral on Fairfax"  4:10
3. Yvonne De La Vega: "El Barrio La Loma Tatoo"  4:14
4. Hubert Selby Jr.: "Psalm 3"  1:08
5. Meri Nana-Ama Danquah: "The Wings Of His Devil"  1:48
6. Walter T. Lacey: "Blues Came"  :47
7. Holly Prado: "Milles Davis At The Pantages April 23, 1988"  1:57
8. Jim Keltner: "John Coltrane, Elvin Jones, McCoy Tyner, Reggie Workman At The Renaissance"  4:37
9. Wanda Coleman: "But Ruby My Dear"  1:13
10. Gavin MacLeod: "To Use Or Not To Use The F-Word"  4:02
11. Michael C Ford: "Maps"  2:27
12. MacDonald Carey: "Chauvinists Are Heir Borne"  1:48
13. Catherine Badin: "Chandelier Moving In The Wind"  :07
14. Ron Zimmerman: "Barney"  1:04
15. Jack Grapes: "The Hollywood Doctor"  1:55
16. Ivan E. Roth: "Excerpt From Dust"  2:57
17. S. A. Griffin: "Pigstreet"  3:32
18. Nancy La Perch: "Well, At Least He Was English"  1:19
19. Lynn Manning: "White Noise"  1:11
20. Michelle T. Clinton: "My Celibate Summer"  :51
21. Keith Antar Mason & Nigel Gibbs: "A Man In The Belly Of A Slave Ship"  1:52
22. Frances Salomé España: "Enter The Dragon"  1:18
23. Ethan James: "It Is Easy"  :52
24. Harry E. Northup: "I Bless The Light And Love Of Hollywood"  1:32
25. Scott Wannberg: "Cassavetes"  :53

  • This is an anthology of spoken word recordings.
  • Homler's track is (except for a brief introductory phrase) in spoken English.

Nirvana  [Album Cover]
Aztlan Records
LP release

1. If Tomorrow: "Listen"  4:00
2. Michael Satori: "Hinterland"  2:40
3. Black Tape for a Blue Girl: "Pandora's Box"  4:30
4. Cecilia ±: "Woman of the Lost"  3:40
5. Dichroic Mirror: "Ghost Dance"  4:29
6. Stereotaxic Device: "In Vitro Test"  4:23
7. Spiderbaby: "James"  3:21
8. Pendu Femelle: "Heredity"  3:56
9. Scorpio Rising: "The Way of All Flesh"  3:49
10. The Mumbletypegs: "Never Take Religion From a Man Named Jim"  4:45
11. Anna Homler: "E' Sa U"  2:49
12. Simon's Ghost: "Aceldama"  4:48

  • This track is identical to the track of the same name on Dō Ya Sa' Di Dō.

The Aerial #4  [Album Cover]
Nonsequitur: AER 1991/4

1. Brenda Hutchinson: "EEYAH!"  11:49
2. Peter Van Riper: "Heart"  4:05
3. Erik Belgum: "Dick Tracy All Over His Body"  5:34
4. Leif Brush: "Terrain Instruments Are Activated"  8:43
5. Elodie Lauten: "Music for the Trine, Part IV"  6:25
6. Elise Kermani: "Spiral"  4:06
7. Anna Homler & Steve Moshier: "Sirens"  7:18
8. Joseph Weber: "Transformation of the Brothers into the Sun and Moon"  11:33
9. Patsy Rahn: "Trojan Horse"  3:59
10. N. Sean William: "Come Window Golds Coming"  9:37

  • This track is a longer version of the track of the same name on Dō Ya Sa' Di Dō.

Toy Vox
(date of release unknown)
Pointless Music
cassette release

Side One
1. Ralph W. Dexter: "Most Embarassing Day"  
2. Amy Denio: "Da"  
3. John M. Bennett & Tom Furgas: "Excerpt: Pod King"  
4. Anna Homler & Viola Kramer: "OO-EE"  
5. Elise Kermani: "Definitions"  
6. CCMC: "Sound Wall"  
7. David Badagnani: "Pure Monotheism is Very Inconvenient for People"  
8. Bern Porter & John Hajeski: "Against the Elements #1"  
9. Jill Burton: "Solo for Voice and Shoes"  
10. Anonymous: "Phone Sex Excerpt #1"  
11. John Hajeski & Mike Hovanscek: "Croud"  
Side Two
1. Halim El Dabh: "Excerpt: Tower of Babel"  
2. Semantics Could Vanish: "Excerpt: EUY"  
3. Gustavo Matamaros: "Ceremony to Clear the Air and Help the City with its Dancing"  
4. Lynn Book & Tatsu Aoki: "Cigarette Baby"  
5. Elise Kermani: "Erase, Eradicate, Erotica"  
6. Anonymous: "Phone Sex Excerpt #2"  
7. Hank Tilbury & Mike Hovancsek: "The Auctioneer and His Children"  
8. Bern Porter & John Hajeski: "Against the Elements #2"  
9. Amy Denio: "Waltzing Tongues"  
10. Non Credo: "Rubber For Dessert"  
11. Mike Foster: "Celestial Resin"  
11. Halim El Dabh: "Venice"  

  • Pointless Music was a cassette-only label created by Mike Hovancsek in the late 1980s.

Poetic Silhouettes  [Album Cover]
AMF: AMF 1034

1. Amy Denio & Viola Kramer: "Living in the Flightpath"  4:55
2. Bruno Meillier: "Toads Lament"  3:00
3. Love Camp 7: "Polka Dotted Girl"  3:19
4. Katie O'Looney: "Dimanche"  4:03
5. Anna Homler: "Blue Flame Blue"  7:00
6. Christiane Cohade: "Ces Signes Noirs Dans le Ciel du Printemps"  2:40
7. Mark Howell: "Ghost Cancer Cowboy"  5:12
8. Holy Money: "Clichy for H.M."  3:12
9. L'Empire Des Sons: "Haute Couture et Basse Cuisine"  3:43
10. People In Sorrow: "From Love's First Fever To Her Plague"  1:42
11. Serious Solid Swineheard Is Better Than Homecooked: "Nervenzüge"  5:34
12. Norbert Stein Pata Musik: "Two Short Stories"  3:04
13. Action Directe: "Volkswerdung"  5:10
14. Jim O'Rourke: "Sheep In Wolves Clothing"  6:03
15. Non Credo: "Slips Through Fingers"  2:48
16. Judy Dunaway: "The Death"  9:07
17. Temps Perdu?: "L'Oiseau Bleu Bis"  3:30
18. Satchuzai: "Aburamushi"  1:43

  • The liner notes credit Erik Blank for bass, Cary Foss for guitar and piano, and Raul Vincent Enriquez for guitar, sampler, and chime.
  • This track is a studio version of the track of the same name on Corne de Vache. Most of the lyrics are in English.

Le Sacre Du Primtemps  [Album Cover]
Gonzo Circus: GC007

1. Deutsch Nepal: "Twenty-Nine Needles"  7:25
2. Vidna Obmana: "Blue Dust and the Tremor"  6:32
3. Morthound: "Syzygy"  5:16
4. Muslimgauze: "Khan Younis"  7:03
5. Etant Donnés: "Je Suis Pour Toi"  6:22
6. Lee Ranaldo: "Leap of Faith"  7:00
7. Starfish Enterprises: "Anthony's World"  6:34
8. Elvis Peeters & Fred Angst: "De Steen" (part 1)  4:32
9. Elvis Peeters & Fred Angst: "De Steen" (part 2)  3:07
10. Elvis Peeters & Fred Angst: "De Steen" (part 3)  2:01
11. Everything is slow: "Dragger Part Three"  5:01
12. Anna Homler: "Robot's Love Song"  4:32
13. Budha Building: "25 Frames/pi"  4:28

  • Pavel Fajt is credited for the percussion, and Geert Waegeman for mixing, on this track.
  • This track is a variant of "Bongo Song" from Corne de Vache. Despite the name, it is more closely related to it than to the track of the same name on House of Hands.
  • This CD includes extensive liner notes about a few of the artists, including Homler.
  • Homler's track is incorrectly listed in the liner notes as being 6:25 in length.

A Sheep on the Bus: volume 4, spring 1994  [Album Cover]
Printed Matter, Inc.: #7947
cassette release

 Anna Homler with Mike Delia
 Emily XYZ with Myers Bartlett
 John Heaviside
 Maggie Estep
 Gillian McCain
 Hannah Casey
 Bobby Miller
 Kathy Price
 Wanda Phipps
 William Fogarty

  • This is apparently an anthology of audio poetry.
  • Nothing more is known about this recording to me, other than the information that appears on the cover. I purchased the last copy of this cassette directly from Printed Matter, Inc., only to find that due to some error the tape was entirely blank. I would appreciate hearing from anybody who has a proper copy of this album.

A Highly Ragged Guide to My Kind of Blue(s)  [Album Cover]
AMF: AMF 1047

1. Dull Schicksal: "Man This is Zen"  3:18
2. Love Camp 7: "My Kind of Blues"  4:03
3. Billy Tipton Memorial Saxaphone Quartet: "All Manic"  4:13
4. Satchuzai: "Urameshii Kon'In"  :44
5. Mal: "Homme Aux Portes"  7:03
6. Anna Homler & Viola Kramer: "Oo-ee"  3:28
7. Yves Ranchon & Christian-Maria Cohade: "Primo, Deuzio"  4:47
8. Non Credo: "Tempitude Risin'"  4:43
9. Bruno Meillier: "Phleoles des Pres"  4:20
10. Ankle To Nose: "Buddha Blue"  1:04
11. Katie O'Looney: "Data Blues (Sequencing)"  4:54
12. Human Flesh: "Bulgarian Movie"  3:55
13. The Marauders: "Beach"  2:37
14. Plump to Bust: "Peace and Joy (in Three Parts)"  6:20
15. Pata Masters: "G.N.U."  4:25
16. People in Sorrow: "Without any Call"  3:36
17. Bene Gesserit: "Rather Bizarre Blues"  6:25
18. Guigou Chenevier: "I'm a Pig"  2:31

  • This track is identical to the track of the same name on House of Hands.

Twilight Earth — Second International Soirée  [Album Cover]
Timebase: time 4

1. Suspended Memories: "Live in Girona — Earth Island"  9:18
2. Stephen Kent: "The Quickening"  6:28
3. Solitaire: "Soleil"  7:03
4. Mathias Grassow: "Ancient Prophecy"  5:46
5. Robert Rich: "Calling by Stormlight"  5:12
6. Stratosphere: "The Turning Image"  7:30
7. Uv Cet A: "Back on Gaia"  6:23
8. Todd Fletcher: "Night Temple"  6:37
9. Bruno Heuzé: "Angkor's Call"  6:02
10. Temps Perdu? & Anna Homler: "Sa'yo Ye Ah'Ye …"  7:03
11. Djen Ajakan Shean: "Departed (For Yvo)"  5:52

  • The music on this release is described by the label as "cyber-atmospheric and tribal-ambient".

Everything is Low  [Album Cover]
subtitled: 15 Highlights from Lowlands
Lowlands: LOW 004

1. Homler/Waegeman/Fajt: "Komida Kapak (Circus-mix)"  4:14
2. Pol: "Fernsehn"  5:48
3. Fukkeduk: "Si vous êtes Alfred Schlicks, Then I have to be Julius Mein"  2:53
4. Die Vögel Europas: "White Hell"  5:18
5. Everything is Slow: "Coquillage de paix"  2:22
6. Ok Zbolk: "Wrap it Up"  4:45
7. Ah Cama Sotz: "The Dance of Ka"  6:09
8. Towering Inferno: "Yromen"  4:21
9. Shinjuku Filth: "Detox"  4:15
10. Andre Mergenthaler: "Choral"  3:51
11. Palinckx: "The Psychedelic Years Phase Two (Pink Floyd)"  7:33
12. Pierre Bastien & Mecanium: "bye baj"  2:54
13. Slant: "Concrete Hutzpa"  6:05
14. Heavenly Music Corporation: "Tangent Cluster (Sati mix)"  7:19
15. Losalt: "Ganesha (Impro-Spotlight mix)"  5:33

  • Homler's track is a (non-trivial) remix of a track on Macaronic Sines.
  • Note that the liner notes are entirely in Dutch.

Iris  [Album Cover]
Prikosnovénie: Prik 010

1. Jack or Jive: "A Shot Arrow"  5:36
2. Jack or Jive: "The Outsider"  3:42
3. Jack or Jive: "Nostalgia"  4:49
4. XVIIº Vie: "Repitissa"  4:04
5. XVIIº Vie: "Mermaids"  5:54
6. Nicole Kasparian-Roche: "Aghtchig Nanaï"  4:28
7. Nicole Kasparian-Roche: "Arèvn Yélav"  2:25
8. Cherche-Lune: "Mémoire"  4:17
9. Cherche-Lune: "Cantus Silvae"  4:25
10. Anna Homler with Viola Kramer: "Jungle Cake"  3:08
11. Anna Homler: "E' Sa U"  2:54
12. Les Secrets De Morphee: "Canterbury Bell"  6:28

  • These two tracks are identical to the tracks of the same name on House of Hands and Dō Ya Sa' Di Dō, respectively.

Damaged Californians: Music from Film and Video  [Album Cover]
Damaged Californians

1. Michael Whitmore: "from Below 30/Above 10,000"  2:24
2. Kaoru: "Bowl of Seeds"  2:31
3. Killer Wail (more or less): "from Hillbilly Slid Loudly"  2:18
4. Michael Whitmore: "from Airline Safety Film #4A"  3:34
5. Ethyl Meatplow: "Devil's Johnson: D-Cal Mix"  3:04
6. Michael Whitmore: "from Revolutionary War Filmstrip"  2:34
7. Musclecar (with Mel Vasquez): "from Wanderlust"  3:34
8. Michael Whitmore:"from The Damaged Californians Documentary"  2:35
9. Musclecar: "from State of the Union: A Dance Piece"  4:03
10. Acorn: "Duality"  2:55
11. Killer Wail (more or less): "from Hillbilly Slid Loudly"  10:01
12. Musclecar: "Elderly Women Call Their Cats"  3:17
13. Michael Whitmore: "from The Radar of Small Dogs"  1:16
14. Michael Whitmore (with Biff Sanders): "from One-Fifth of Your Love"  1:47
15. Anna Homler (with Biff Sanders & Michael Whitmore): "Dream Shuffle"  3:05
16. Michael Whitmore: "from Below 30/Above 10,000"  2:20
17. Killer Wail (more or less): "from Hillbilly Slid Loudly"  3:03
18. Michael Whitmore (with M. Figuls): "from The Radar of Small Dogs"  1:05

  • Derwin Hessels and P. James Keitel comprise the Damaged Californians, and identify themselves as media artists.
  • In addition to her own track, Homler contributes vocals to track 10, which is identical to the track of the same name on Acorn's album Sustenance.

VOX  [Album Cover]
Berslton: 19 511 15

1. Anna Homler  3:33
2. Michael Vorfeld  6:46
3. Miike Keppler  3:40
4. Paul Hubweber  6:04
5. Ron Schmidt  10:49
6. Tröster  2:09
7. Stephan Froleyks  4:49
8. Claus van Bebber  8:38
9. Helmut Lemke  8:40
10. Berserker  :32

  • The tracks on this CD bear no titles other than the names of the artists.
  • All music on this album is vocal in origin.
  • Appended to the end of track 5 is an extra 19 minutes of silence.
  • Note that the liner notes are entirely in German.

Ambient Intimacy volume 1  [Album Cover]
EE Tapes: ET50
CD-r release

1. De Fabriek: "I Fill this Room with the Echo of Many Voices who Passed Time Here"  8:20
2. Yasnaïa: "Amida-Nyorai"  6:12
3. Hypnoskull: "Imaginary Scenes of a Realistic Movie, part 1"  1:31
4. Hypnoskull: "Imaginary Scenes of a Realistic Movie, part 2"  4:44
5. Troum: "Stredan"  6:44
6. Disumana Res: "Cronos"  3:07
7. Disumana Res: "The Whisperer"  6:39
8. Human Flesh: "Enough is Enough"  7:49
9. Psych Krist Kastrator: "Thee Ending ov Sorrow"  10:19
10. Sonar: "Dirty Souls"  6:08
11. sveen: "(mtsrs)reet"  5:48
10. The Chopstick Sisters: "< … >"  3:57

  • A remastered version was also released in 2000.

Reviste de Arte Sonoro — 4  [Album Cover]

1. F. T. Marinetti & A. Giuntini: "Sintesi musicali futuriste"  6:58
2. Allen Ginsbert: "Recital"  16:00
3. Mike Kelley: "Untitled (Voices)"  15:00
4. Eduardo Polonio: "EINAI"  3:57
5. W. Furlong: "Spoken for/Spoken About Nottingham"  10:00
6. Anna Homler & Stephanie Payne: "M-bira"  3:05
7. Günter Brus: "Panisches Liederbuch" (fragment)  6:45
8. Orquestra del Caos: "Bobcat"  7:04
9. Rafael Martínez del Pozo: "la música rock 01"  2:30

  • This track is identical to the opening track of Piewacket!.
  • Note that the liner notes are entirely in Spanish.

World Festival of Sacred Music — The Americas  [Album Cover]
Bindu Records: WF1001
2-CD release

CD 1
1. Sanguay Bum: "Sing A Happy Song"  1:05
2. Suzanne Teng: "China Lily"  6:59
3. Pasha Ninateen: "M'bira Song"  2:40
4. Robert Een: "Buddha Boat"  2:29
5. Ulali: "My People, My Land"  2:32
6. Lila Downs: "Semilla de Piedra Ntikin nuyuu"  4:01
7. Meredith Monk: "Gotham Lullabye"  4:20
8. ADAAWE: "Aye Buur Yalla"  2:10
9. Jai Uttal with Sheva: "Om Namah Shivaya"  6:47
10. The Zurich Boys Choir: "Herr, nun lasset Due Deiner in Frieden farina"  4:47
11. Pacific Winds: "Song for Judy"  6:44
12. Perla Batalla: "Iberia"  5:09
CD 2
1. Elk Whistle: "Prayer for the Great Family"  4:26
2. Nawang Khechog: "Prayer for My Teacher"  5:17
3. Ahmad El-Asmer: "Call to Prayer"  2:29
4. June Kuramoto: "Rokudan"  7:19
5. Marlui Miranda: "Hedigo/Tchori Medley"  4:19
6. Gwen Wyatt Chorale: "Ain't Got Time to Die"  2:23
7. Agape International Choir featuring Niki Haris: "Someone Needs a Prayer"  7:07
8. Cantor Eva Robbins: "Rozzo d'Shabbos"  4:47
9. Gamelan Sekar Jaya: "Penyambutan Selat Segara" (excerpt)  3:32
10. Ali Jihad Racy Ensemble: "Spirit of Festivities"  2:23
11. Lakshmi Shankar: "Song of Devotion to Krishna"  6:21
12. Danse Celeste: "Buong Suong" (excerpt)  2:46
13. Nobuko: "To All Relations"  6:31
14. Andrae Crouch & the Valley Gospel Choir: "Total Praise"  6:37

  • Homler is credited with voice, toys and found objects on this track.
  • This track is essentially the same piece as the track of the same name on Piewacket!, differing only in performance details (and in being a recording of a live performance).
  • Pasha Ninateen was a group consisting of Sharon Berman, Anna Homler, and Stephanie Payne. To the best of my knowledge, this is the only recording of a performance by the trio.
  • The World Festival of Sacred Music was a series of festivals focusing on the spiritual tradition in music. The 1999 festival was held in Los Angeles and centered on music in the Americas.
  • There is also a "companion" documentary of the festival, about 90 seconds of which is devoted to Pasha Ninateen.

LMC … the first 25 years  [Album Cover]
Res8.2CD / Res9.1CD
2-CD release

Res8.2CD: "Gloucester Avenue"
1. David Toop & John Zorn: "24.01.81a"  6:29
2. Paul Burwell: "11.02.82"  5:48
3. Terry Day & Peter Kowald: "24.01.81b"  4:22
4. Sylvia Hallett: "1983"  4:09
5. Alterations: "90.03.80"  6:43
6. David Stephens: "24.01.81c"  2:53
7. Steve Beresford & Roger Turner: "10.02.78"  5:20
8. Hugh Davies, Max Eastley & Barry Leigh: "25.10.89" (Additional Music Festival)  6:18
9. Mummy: "16.04.83"  4:05
10. Health Cuts: "07.05.85"  4:34
11. Susanna Ferrar, Sylvia Hallett, Maggie Nicols, & Julie Tippetts: "29.05.82"  2:57
12. Peter Cusack & Max Eastley: "24.01.81c"  2:56
13. Steve Beresford & Michael Parsons: "Euphonium Duo in Rowboats, 05.08.78"  4:00
14. Paul Burwell & David Toop: "22.04.79"  3:58
15. Chris Newman with Howard Skempton and John White: "Polar Bear Song, 07.07.85"  4:22
Res9.1CD: "Elsewhere"
1. Ibrahim and Koray: "Countdown to Go!"  :27
2. Ground-Zero: "El Perecho De Vivir En Paz/Shinoshin 3/4"  6:17
3. Toshimaru Nakamura: "Improvisation"  6:16
4. Al Dente: "Slug"  5:43
5. Murphy Love Experience: "The Letter"  4:20
6. Greg Lucas & Ruth Collins: "Slide Show for the Radio"  3:05
7. Black Door: "Matters Not"  4:57
8. Xentos: "Aerealities"  2:10
9. Claudia Ulla Binder: "Improvisation"  4:10
10. Brown Sierra: "Improvisation"  3:35
11. Bing Selfish and The Ideals: "Government of Love"  4:47
12. Steve Noble's 4tet: "Improvisation"  7:37
13. Steve Beresford, Anna Homler, & Richard Sanderson: "Crater Hoops"  3:33

  • LMC is short for the London Musician's Collective.
  • These CDs were part of a double issue of the British magazine Resonance, ISSN 1352-772X. This particular issue is labeled "Vol. 8 #2 / Vol. 9 #1".
  • Beresford, Homler, and Sanderson's track was recorded live at The Purcell Room, South Bank Cenre, London, 29 May 2000.

Alles Lalula, vol. 2  [Album Cover]
subtitled: Songs & Poeme: Von der Beat-Generation bis heute
Wolfgang Hörner & Herbert Kapfer (editors)
LIDO: ISBN 3-8218-5242-9
2-CD release

1. Allen Ginsberg: "Put Down Yr Cigarette Rag"  5:26
2. Robert Filliou: "Imitating the sound of the birds"  :55
3. Ron Padgett: "Zzzzz"  :24
4. John Cage: "The 6th Patriach [sic!] Of Zen Buddhism"  2:05
5. Ernst Jandl: "von einen sprachen"  :50
6. Ernst Jandl: "von leuchten"  :35
7. Ernst Jandl: "wanderung"  :20
8. Bob Holman: "RAP IT UP"  2:58
9. François Dufrêne: "Crirythme Exprès"  2:00
10. Vitaly Koman / Alexander Melamid: "Russian Language Lesson"  3:21
11. Peter Weibel / Paul Braunsteiner: "Nimm Deine Schrecken mit Dir"  2:21
12. Michel Giroud: "Coyote Song"  2:30
13. Dyali Karam: "Tentation" (excerpt)  1:14
14. Sahli: "Sans Titre"  1:22
15. Chris Burden: "The Atomic Alphabet"  :31
16. Andrej Monastyrskij: "from: 'Punktierte Komposition'"  2:30
17. Matthias Koeppel: "Nebul"  :30
18. Matthias Koeppel: "Maor"  :28
19. Hartmut Geerken: "Patriotische Gedichte"  2:20
20. Augusto de Campos: "Cidade, City, Cité"  :30
21. Christian Ide Hintze: "Wosisog"  1:46
22. Meredith Monk: "Shadow Song"  1:57
23. Cecil Taylor: "Chinampas" Track 1  5:04
24. Gerhard Rühm: "rede an österreich"  2:44
25. Anna Homler: "Signals"  2:37
26. Anna Homler / David Moss: "May Na Donska"  1:33
27. Greetje Bijma: "Hot Snakes"  1:36
28. David Moss: "Together Before Jumping"  3:39
29. Peter Rühmkorf: "Mit den Jahren … Selbst III, 88"  9:55
1. Christian Prigent: "Liste des langues que je parle"  3:12
2. Jas Duke: "Leon Trotsky"  1:01
3. Oskar Pastior: "Testament — auf jeden Fall"  1:40
4. Peter Wawerzinek: "foo nee tick / ree gelln"  1:40
5. Arrigo Lora-Totino: "Sconcerto d' Olè" (fragment)  5:23
6. Raymond Federman: "Jazz Solo"  :45
7. Ernst Jandl: "d'oide antisemitin"  :50
8. Ernst Jandl: "du wiasts scho no"  :30
9. Ernst Jandl: "fia mi"  :20
10. Jaap Blonk: "der minister I"  :55
11. Jaap Blonk: "der minister II"  :49
12. Brion Gysin: "All Those Years"  3:23
13. Amiri Baraka: "Rhythmblues / Syncretism / Real Song - Interlude / Funklore"  4:00
14. Sainkho Namtchylak: "Vision"  5:14
15. Fernando Aguiar: "Trocabolário"  :39
16. Valeri Scherstjanoi: "Glasnost"  :53
17. Robert Lax: "the family"  3:55
18. Christian Bök: "Motorized Razors" (fragment from "The Cyborg Opera")  :55
19. Christian Bök: "Ubu Hubbub"  :38
20. Michael Lentz: "ob nun als"  4:20
21. Valeri Scherstjanoi: "gesang via ars scribendi"  1:46
22. Carlfriedrich Claus: "Basale Sprech-Operationsräume / Variation M"  3:53
23. Hilde Kappes: "Schluck-Auf-Arie-in H-I-J-K-moll"  :34
24. Isabeelia Beumer: "fluxion '98" (excerpt)  3:09
25. Flatz: "Deutschen Die"  2:00
26. Einstürzende Neubauten: "silence is sexy"  7:00
27. Nobuo Kubota: "Quick Facts"  2:24
28. Jean-Jacques Lebel: "Trois Poemes Trouves"  :58
29. Bastian Boettcher: "Sommersonne"  1:35
30. Jurczok 1001: "Concrete Jungle"  3:04
31. Eran Schaerf: "Butterflies"  :50
32. Antipop Consortium: "Silver Heat"  3:14
33. Ernst Jandl: "Spruch mit Kurzem O"  :05

  • The two Homler tracks (and the two that follow it) are identical to the tracks of the same name on Five Voices.
  • Note that the text accompanying these CDs is in German.

A Classic Guide to No Man's Land  [Album Cover]
subtitled: Pieces & Songs
No Man's Land: nml 0329
2-CD release

1. David Weinstein: "The Economist (for P. Fox-Penner)"  3:30
2. Guy Klucevsek: "Glow/Hearth"  4:42
3. The 13th Tribe: "Xtinct"  10:57
4. Dawn (Leichtman, Strobl, Huber): "Shining"  4:16
5. The Motor Totemist Guild: "Jump Cut — Theatrical Trailer"  6:33
6. Michael Lyle, Georg Cartwright, David Moss, Arto Lindsay: "Oh, it's …"  3:57
7. The Lytle, Dresser, Hemingway Trio: "Bloodsong"  4:48
8. Armchair Traveller: "Sheepsong"  4:12
1. Ich Schwitze Nie: "o.T."  2:31
2. Ne Zhdali: "Znatchok"  4:20
3. Francois Ribac, Eva Schwabe: "Die Dolomiten, A Simple Song"  2:49
4. Peter Cusak & Viv Corringham: "Deep Midnight"  5:24
5. David Garland: "On the Other Side of the Window"  6:28
6. Tatsuya Yoshida: "Sempremorr remix"  6:08
7. Non Credo: "Latex Heart"  3:43
8. Leonid Soybelman: "Znaki Recthi"  2:40
9. Anna Homler, Frank Schulte: "lunaria"  5:36
10. Michael Gross: "Die Ballade vom zerrissenen Rock"  2:40
11. Chris Newman: "When I am With Others"  2:33
12. Chris Newman: "Loose Verse"  2:45

  • Homler is credited with both vocals and toys on her track.

Untitled Songs  [Album Cover]
subtitled: 49 years from gesang der jünglinge (2005-1956)
Sirr: sirr 0020
2-CD release

CD 1
1. Janek Schaefer  7:11
2. Andrew Deutsch  6:18
3. André Gonçalves  5:29
4. jgrzinich  6:55
5. Stephen Vitiello  4:41
6. Heitor Alvelos  3:25
7. Maksim Shentelev  4:21
8. Marc Behrens  6:53
9. Rui Costa  6:17
10. Anthony Pateras & Robin Fox  6:06
11. yoko.lennon  6:52
CD 2
1. Anna Homler & Michael Intriere  3:45
2. Achim Wollscheid  8:13
3. Dale Lloyd  6:28
4. @c  6:04
5. Steve Roden  3:35
6. Asmus Tietchens  5:09
7. Derek Holzer  5:34
8. Paulo Raposo  6:10
9. James Eck Rippie  7:20
10. CM von Hausswolff  13:16

  • As the album's name suggests, the tracks on this release are all untitled.

Freedom of the City 2005  [Album Cover]
Emanem: 4216
2-CD release

A1. Paul Rutherford, John Edwards, Mark Sanders: "Petrah"  15:58
A2. Paul Rutherford, John Edwards, Mark Sanders: "Felthor"  9:25
A3. Sylvia Hallett, Caroline Kraabel, Veryan Weston: "Voicings"  15:10
A4. Sylvia Hallett, Caroline Kraabel, Veryan Weston: "Does Rain Know?"  3:19
A5. Philipp Wachsmann, Kjell Bjorgeengen: "Interstate 2"  24:49
A6. London Improvisers Orchestra: "Conduction No. 20 (by Simon H Fell)"  8:07
A7. London Improvisers Orchestra: "Hearing Reproduction 7 (by Caroline Kraabel)"  2:18
B1. London Improvisers Orchestra: "The Dynamix (by Dave Tucker)"  7:53
B2. Steve Beresford, Joe Williamson, Roger Turner: "Don't Bend the Wardrobe"  26:32
B3. Lol Coxhill, Neil Metcalfe: "Providence Points South"  10:30
B4. Lol Coxhill, Neil Metcalfe: "A Right in Phoenica"  9:40
B5. Alan Wilkinson, Phil Durrant, Mark Sanders: "Untill Life"  23:33

  • Homler is credited as a member of the London Improvisers Orchestra with both vocals and toys. Her vocals only appear in the first of the Orchestra's three tracks.
  • All the tracks on this release are of improvised or semi-improvised music. Most of the tracks are recordings of live performances that took place on the first of May, 2005.

The Blorp Esette Gazette, volume 1  [Album Cover]
Ace & Duce / Transparency: 0382

1. \\\: "B.E.G."  5:42
2. The Hubcap Project: "Name of the Game"  3:52
3. Michael Intriere & Anna Homler: "Voyage"  2:26
4. Ace Farren Ford: "Radio 1"  1:00
5. The Electric Bill Trio: "The Wall"  3:32
6. Ilya Monosav: "For Well-Treated Trumpet"  5:07
7. Frank Bedal: "Voices"  1:41
8. The Impressionists: "Mez Puru"  5:11
9. Aquifer: "Little Big Horn"  7:32
10. Morris Tepper & Michael Tempo: "Sandspiders"  2:08
11. Larry Easter: "New Hole Ney"  3:54
12. Smegma: "Desert Land (I See A Woman's Face in Every Foreign Place)"  6:19
13. Keith Mitchell: "No Access"  13:16
14. The Tenses 4: "For Aaron Dilloway (Live at Valentine's)"  6:19
15. Threed: "Good night for taunt"  1:01
16. The Mystery Band with King John Fisher: "Willie Bowman (Wooly Bully)"  3:19
17. The Eagle Rock Free Music Ensemble: "Bang Your Head"  4:44

  • Michael Intriere plays cello and Homler provides vocals on their track.

FTS 003  [Album Cover]
First Terrace Records: FTS 003
vinyl & digital release

Pierre Bastien & Cabo San Roque
1. Kinetic Folkways  20:20
Anna Homler / Adrian Northover / Dave Tucker
2. Secha  4:30
3. Urbanian Interlude  2:34
4. Nocturnal Dancer  4:49
5. Green Steam-Curious Weather  3:00
6. Minaru  4:11

Other Sightings

Miike: Rooms  [Album Cover]
(Miike Keppler)
Freistil Records: 9203

1. Rooms I Tomba  3:25
2. Rooms II Transit  3:44
3. Rooms III Numina  7:09
4. Longerich I (Nord)  3:04
5. Longerich II (Ost)  4:01
6. Longerich III (Süd)  3:29
7. Longerich IV (West)  4:40
8. Recreazione  4:40
9. Monasterium  4:50
10. Contemplatio  4:02
11. Ma-Ri-A  4:08
12. Adorare  6:24
13. Danza III  3:13

  • Vocals on other tracks are performed by the Chor Kölner GewerkschafterInnen.
  • Other artists appearing on this release: Bart Hogenboom and Ralf Stöve.

Radius #2  [Album Cover]
¿What Next? / Nonsequitur: WN0014

1. Jacki Apple: "Voices in the Dark"  25:26
2. Donald Swearington: "Salvation at 1 AM"  21:05
3. Gregory Whitehead: "Pressures of the Unspeakable"  27:09

  • Homler does not contribute to the above composition directly. However, samples of Homler and David Moss make some brief appearances. The samples are taken from Dō Ya Sa' Di Dō and possibly other sources.
  • Other artists sampled on this track include Ruben Garcia and Greg Johnson.

Frederick Moore: Lives of the Saints  [Album Cover]
Burned Tongue: 0294

1. Lives of the Saints  13:30
2. Credo Epochula  10:23
3. At the Wall of Tears Boutique  13:47
4. The Blue Night  3:39
5. Manchester Prefix  1:42
6. Manchester Between the Lakes  10:08
7. Credo Urbana  13:43
8. Credo Suffix  4:53

  • Both Homler and Moore provide vocals on the indicated track. (Moore's vocals are primarily in English, but at a couple of points he briefly sings Homler's lyrics.)
  • The liner notes state that the track references Homler's poem "Breadwoman".
  • Other artists appearing on this release: Jan Abell, Haruna Aoki, Asuncion Ojeda, Elizabeth Saunders-Gomez, Cinthea Stahl, and Timothy K. Taylor.

Frank Schulte: Switchbox  [Album Cover]
No Man's Land: nml 9421

1.    11:17
2.    10:44
3.    11:21
4.    12:24
5.    14:10

  • There is no track listing, and the liner notes do not provide any names or other identification for the five tracks.
  • Homler's vocals make only a few foreground appearances. However, she is also credited with playing toy instruments.
  • Part of the contents of one track are very similar to two of the tracks on Plays Alien Cakes.
  • Other artists appearing on this release: Andres Bosshard, Frank Gratowski, Thomas Herberer, Bernard Mixon, Dieter Manderscheid, David Moss, Axel Otto, Yoshihide Otomo, Waldemar Rogoya, Jon Rose, Frank Samba, and Peter Schweiger.

Dirk Raulf & Frank Schulte: teatime, Volume 1  [Album Cover]
Poise Records: poise 01

1. Jörg Ritzenhoff: "Prolog"  :20
2. Jörg Ritzenhoff: "Gleißender Ruhm"  6:26
3. Hans Lüdemann: "Teetanz"  4:28
4. Scratch Pad featuring Markus Müller, Jens Hagen, Jörg Ritzenhoff, Frank Schulte: "DIARY: 26. Nov. 1995"  2:09
5. Helmut Volkmann: "La Fontaine: Die Maus und die Auster"  2:31
6. Manos Tsangaris & Frank Schulte: "1/2 Spoon"  3:22
7. Theo Mackeben: "Es ist schön, viel zu schön  4:59
8. Buddy Sacher: "Pic du Midi d'Ossau"  :29
9. Kazuo Fukushima: "Mei"  5:07
10. Scratch Pad featuring Buddy Sache, Manos Tsangaris, Frank Schulte: "DIARY: 26. Dez. 1995 ‚Am Tag der schwarzen Rose‘"  1:34
11. Dirk Raulf: "What Does The Snail Say?"  1:49
12. Thomas Witzmann: "Monolith"  2:24
13. Frank Köllges: "Planetenfahrer"  :56
14. Frank Köllges: "Last Service"  :29
15. Scratch Pad featuring TOME XX, Thomas Witzmann: "DIARY: 28. Jan. 1996"  :47
16. Manos Tsangaris & Frank Schulte: "Gebrüder Grimm: Die drei Faulen"  1:46
17. Amy Antin: "Better Than Anything"  4:18
18. Dirk Raulf: "Matthias Wagner K: Der Zufallsgenerator III"  1:56
19. Maria de Alvear: "Mares"  1:56
20. Scratch Pad featuring Jörg Ritzenhoff, Frank Schulte, Dirk Raulf: "DIARY: 25. Feb. 1996"  1:18
21. Michael Heupel: "No Title"  3:18
22. Claudio Puntin: "Vísur Vatnsenda-Rósu"  1:48
23. Gerður Gunnarsdóttir & Claudio Puntin: "Jöklabæn"  1:17
24. Jón Normal, Halldór Laxness, Claudio Puntin: "Hvert örstutt spor"  2:16
25. Scratch Pad featuring Michael Heupel, Matthias von Welck, Gisela Nohl, Jürgen Stollhans: "DIARY: 31. März 1996"  2:46
26. Dirk Raulf: "Sokrates: Der Skorpion under der Alligator"  2:27
27. Anna Homler & Dirk Raulf: "R"  1:08
28. Frank Schulte: "Aus: Philipp Keller ‚Ärmliche Verhältnisse‘"  2:50
29. Scratch Pad featuring Anna Homler, Heinrich Pachl, Silver Monkey Kings: "DIARY: 28. Apr. 1996"  2:19
30. Jörg Ritzenhoff: "Epilog"  :38

  • Homler's vocal contribution to her latter track is in English.

Paul Haslinger: World Without Rules  [Album Cover]
RGB Records: rgb 504-2

1. World Without Rules  7:33
2. Urban Source Code  6:01
3. Dismissal of the Hemisphere  5:33
4. Monkey Brain Sushi  2:50
5. Be-bop in Baghdad  7:00
6. Asian Blue  5:34
7. Desert Diva  6:27
8. Rainmaker's Dream  5:03
9. Le Sense du Sens  4:44
10. Global Ghetto  4:27
11. The Closing of the Circle  4:20

  • Homler's vocals appear briefly on a couple of tracks.
  • Nona Hendryx and S'Ange are also credited with providing vocals for this release. Other contributing artists include: Mark Isham, Steve Whalen, Loren Nerell, and Charlie Campagna.

Acorn: Sustenance  [Album Cover]
(Andrew P. Crane)

1. Singing About the Praises  4:30
2. Both Sides Now  3:54
3. Temperate  3:35
4. No Holes Barred  4:14
5. Speak in Other Tongues  5:55
6. Duality  5:18
7. 4OB  4:37
8. Badlands  5:52
9. I am Calling  3:32
10. Runaway Train  3:18

  • Homler appears as a guest performer on two tracks.
  • Other artists credited with performing on this release: Steven Brinegar, Edem Elesh, Kostya Gavrilov, Nic Greene, Emily Hay, Charles Pagano, Biff Sanders, Jason Savall, Brett Smith, John Thomas, and Michael Whitmore.

Pointless Orchestra: Approaching Totality  [Album Cover]
(Mike Foster, John Hajeski, and Mike Hovancsek)
Without Fear: WFR #0002

1. 89.3 KHz/Sec.  5:28
2. Nosferatu  8:20
3. A Study in Metals  10:19
4. Symmetry  6:04
5. Concussions  7:01
6. Red Meat Holiday, part two  10:35
7. Matter  :56
8. Approaching Totality  7:03
9. Broken Spiral  2:15
10. Titaneum  6:06
11. Phaw Chai Dai  5:05

  • Homler appears as a guest performer on one track. Her vocals appear for only the first half of the piece, the second half being instrumental. Homler is also credited with playing a jewelry box.
  • Homler's track is an excerpt of a longer improvisation done on a live radio show.
  • Other guest performers on this release: David Badagnani, Dan Burke, Joseph Celli, Amy Denio, Paul Guerguerian, Mark Klein, Panya Roongruang, Matt Turner, Blake Tyson, and Z'ev.

Dirk Raulf & Frank Schulte: teatime, Volume 2  [Album Cover]
Poise Records: poise 06/1 - 06/2
2-CD release

"Das Haus"
1. Dirk Raulf & Frank Schulte: "Prolog"  :15
2. Kate & Mike Westbrook: "Love Or Infatuation"  5:24
3. Kate & Mike Westbrook: "You Leave Me Breathless"  5:13
4. Anna Homler & Frank Schulte: "Moon Story 1"  3:26
5. Anna Homler & Frank Schulte: "Moon Story 2"  2:47
6. David Moss: "Fugitive Fandangos"  3:26
7. Dirk Raulf: "BB 9"  :18
8. Georg Ruby: "Bei dir war es immer so schön"  6:12
9. David Moss: "Escapades for Voice"  1:07
10. D. U.: "Tisch und Bett"  3:19
11. Jörg Ritzenhoff: "Reich und Berühmt"  :57
12. D. U.: "Couch Potato"  1:21
13. David Moss: "Solo Z"  5:04
14. Anna Homler & Frank Schulte: "Moon Story 3"  2:56
15. Edina Soriano & Manfred Niehaus: "Aus: Morgenstern-Lieder"  :18
16. Dirk Raulf: "BB 35"  :59
17. Jörg Ritzenhoff: "Venedig"  1:16
"Die Stadt"
1. Dirk Raulf & Frank Schulte: "Prolog"  :25
2. Hinrich Franck: "As Time Goes By"  3:29
3. Köner Saxophon Mafia: "Petra vom Finanzamt"  5:17
4. Dirk Raulf: "BB 14"  :26
5. Stefan Hartmann-Virnich: "Handful of Keys"  2:42
6. Thomas Heberer & Andreas Willers: "Torrid Zone"  1:57
7. Dirk Raulf & Club Trivial: "Es gescheh'n noch Wunder"  5:27
8. Hinrich Franck: "The Girl From Ipanema"  1:55
9. Ulla Oster & Wollie Kaiser: "Der Richter briet"  5:49
10. Stefan Hartmann-Virnich: "Ain't Misbehavin"  3:01
11. D. U. featuring Any Antin: "Unstable Symmetry"  3:40
12. Thomas Heberer & Andreas Willers: "Dialing In"  6:18
13. Dirk Raulf: "BB 45"  :58
14. "Jesus un St. Johänneken"  2:50
15. Kölner Saxophon Mafia: "Come Sunday"  2:15
16. Hinrick Franck: "Come Rain or Come Shine"  2:31
17. Schäl Sick Brass Band: "Die Jodlerin von Teheran"  2:47
18. D. U.: "Epilog"  1:34

  • Roughly half of Homler's vocals on the three tracks indicated are in spoken English.

Geert Waegeman: Vegetal Digitables  [Album Cover]
Lowlands: LOW 013

1. Waterbikes  5:51
2. Neurobotanics  4:07
3. Sand & Pepper  4:04
4. Pantropics  3:14
5. Mr. Garlic  3:43
6. Pinball  3:30
7. Meeting Jack and Jill at the Garden Party  2:38
8. Sabena  3:56
9. Shinjuku Sweets  4:07
10. Azema  4:47
11. Absint  2:43
12. Queni Wattadis  8:21
13. Francouzská 99  3:52
14. Potato Eyes  5:15
15. Sunday's Stew  5:09

  • Homler appears as a guest vocalist on one track. Her lyrics are in English.
  • Other guest performers on this release: Bert Bernaerts, Iva Bittová, Pavel Fajt, Luisa Rzymanová, Gerrit Valckenaers, and "a Czech kid on a Eurolines bus".

Pointless Orchestra: The Angel Scratch Recording Project  [Album Cover]
(Mike Hovancsek)

1. In London with William Burroughs  6:17
2. Analiese  4:28
3. The Shoe Factory  2:52
4. The Last Supper  7:41
5. The Count of Three  3:42
6. The Story of a Year  9:54
7. A Short Treatise on Sandy Bull  3:44
8. Linguistic Alchemy  4:17
9. Telephonic Meltdown  4:34
10. Scars '97  4:10
11. The Chimera  3:26
12. Composites  8:41
13. Belfast Insert  3:16
14. Domestic Violence in America  7:15

  • Homler appears as a guest performer on one track. This track is another excerpt from the same improvisatory session that provided the track on Approaching Totality.
  • Other performers on this release: Mark Allender, David Badagnani, Sharen Baker, Michael Bowers, Jim Cole, Alan Dow, David Estefan, Mike Foster, Paul Guerguerian, Hammond Guthrie, William Hill, Phil Kester, John Kuegeler, Janet Kuypers, Wallace Marable, Cheryl Townsend, and Matt Turner.

Anomalous Disturbances: The Spirit Molecule  [Album Cover]
(Terry O'Brien)
Anomalous Disturbances: A.D.01

1. New World Odor  2:11
2. K. I.  7:48
3. Ghosthead Soup  6:11
4. Tide Pool  5:45
5. Blue Honey  3:01
6. Disneyland of the Gods  12:09
7. Everybody's Talkin'  :05
8. Fungus Among Us  4:10
9. Passport to Magonia 1  6:30
10. Passport to Magonia 2  4:57
11. Blue Lotus  5:37
12. The Spirit Molecule  6:23

  • Homler appears briefly as a performer/co-composer on one track.
  • The music on this album is relatively quiet and ambient-minimalist.

Thomas Dimuzio: mono::poly  [Album Cover]
Gench Music: Gench 1001
2-CD release

1. Wince Meet  3:02
2. Cold Fusion Off Broadway  4:12
3. Applebutter Grove  5:15
4. Sone Sewn Blue  5:03
5. Divide by Zero  5:43
6. Within the Box  1:42
7. Haste  2:26
8. Anti-Body :: Anti-Matter  5:36
9. Conveyor  6:40
10. Minutia of Method  6:09
11. Rubberburn  1:48
12. Nocturne  4:42
1. Columbia [with Zipperspy]  5:00
2. Sidereal Rust [with Anna Homler]  3:50
3. Tiny Little Hydrants [with Solid Eye]  2:50
4. Summer Valley [with Chris Cutler and Fred Frith]  4:41
5. Permafrost [with Scot Jenerik]  4:31
6. Undefined, Unresolved & Ill-Equipped [with Illusion of Safety]  8:26
7. Edison [with Scott Arford]  3:37
8. 1 Birth in the Hand & a 100 on the Fly [with Nick Didkovsky]  4:42
9. I Have Your Problem [with Wobbly and Yasuhiro Otani]  3:48
10. The Blunt End is Used [with The Jet Black Hair People]  3:18
11. Revenge of Toad Brain [with DJ Qbert]  3:18
12. Misguided [with Atau Tanaka]  2:40
13. Immediatism (coda) [with Kadet Kuhne]  4:50

  • Homler is credited with both vocals and toys on her track.

Anomalous Disturbances: Archive One  [Album Cover]
(Terry O'Brien)
Anomalous Disturbances: AD 03

1. Langorous Liaisons  11:03
2. Lull  6:39
3. Beyond Within  5:48
4. The Invisible Landscape  7:01
5. Moksha  5:57
6. Creep  3:16
7. Swamp Gas  6:02
8. Xmess Under Level Orange  6:24
9. Blue Honey (Ancient Starship Remix)  6:46

  • Homler's track is a remix of the track of the same name on The Spirit Molecule. Haven Siguenza is credited with the remix. Homler's vocals do not make a prominent appearance on this version.

Human Flesh: Songs For The Victims (From A Decaying Country)  [Album Cover]
(Alain Neffe)
EE Tapes: EE01

1. Shake it up!  4:30
2. Predators  3:32
3. Tomorrow  4:00
4. La loi du plus fort  4:09
5. Eerzame burgers  4:00
6. God must not cry  3:46
7. Why are we silent?  1:39
8. Dead babies  1:23
9. …et le vieil homme chante encore son rock and roll  3:29
10. Bullet  4:46
11. Two little ghosts (on a bridge over the highway)  6:01
12. To Sharon  4:04
13. The tragical box  2:29
14. Cities  4:31
15. La chape de plomb  2:43
16. Meditation and fears: the fourth day  16:18

  • The track indicated is listed as a bonus track.
  • Homler's vocals make a couple of brief appearances on this track. Her credit in the liner notes states: "Anna Homler: slowed down voice in reverse (sorry Anna!!)".
  • Craig Burk, Flavien Gillié, Ernest Hembersin, and Julie Yuen are also credited with contributing to this track.
  • Other musicians contributing to this release: Nadine Bal, Peter Bonne, Magali Cupak, Daniel Denis, Cor Gout, Isabelle Guillemin, Deborah Jaffe, Daniel Malempré, Danica Marzidovšek, Xavier S., Judy Timpa Lydia Tomkiw, Hessel Veldman, Darline Victor, and Naohiro Yamasaki.

Human Flesh: Penumbra  [Album Cover]
(Alain Neffe)
EE Tapes: EE10

1. Rust  5:55
2. ¿ Por que de beriamos ?  1:45
3. Ofullbordad målning  3:55
4. …in your life full of screams  2:35
5. Blond smile  6:20
6. Blind  3:05
7. Possession  4:50
8. Another planet  3:25
9. So weak  3:35
10. Chanson nostalgique  4:10
11. My European mind  1:30
12. Niño estrella  3:05
13. I loved you, you know…  3:15
14. Our lost world  5:00
15. Meditation and fears (the fourth day)  14:30

  • In addition to Homler, Nadine Bal is credited with vocals (in reverse) on the final track.
  • Other musicians contributing to this release: Sandra Balderas, Tara Cross, Isabelle Guillemin Deborah Jaffe, Britt-Marie Lanner, Larisa López, Daniel Malemepré, Alain Peignier, Bernard Plouvier, Xavier S., Judy Timpa, Lydia Tomkiw, and Darline Victor.

Endogamic: La Caja de Pandara: International Edition  [Album Cover]
[a.k.a. Antonio Murga & Friends: Pandara's Box: International Edition]
digital release

1. "Waltzshevsky" with Noah Creshevsky  3:02
2. "Ravi's Mambo" with Siegmar Fricke & Ravi Shankar  4:31
3. "Infiltrate" with Alexei Borisov  5:34
4. "L'Enfant Sauvage" with David Fenech  4:20
5. "Heidi's Death" with Saadet Türköz - Urumchi  2:03
6. "Chilli, Green Curry & Wasabi" with Koji Asano  4:39
7. "Yakuza Tango" with Zanstones  4:07
8. A Map of Mars "Mars Carnival" with Klimperei  1:00
9. A Map of Mars "Olympus Cha Cha Cha" with Klimperei  1:15
10. A Map of Mars "Promethei's Lyre" with Klimperei  1:33
11. A Map of Mars "Arcadia" with Klimperei  4:11
12. A Map of Mars "Terra Nexus" with Klimperei  1:44
13. "Unexpected" with MNomized  5:10
14. "Modern Raga" with John Wiggins  2:30
15. "Nobody is Perfect (Scene One)" with Shaun Robert  4:00
16. "L'ombre d'un soupir" with Reina Portuondo  4:40
17. "Cruzados" with Anna Homler  3:14

Anna Homler has her own web presence for herself and for her Pharmacia Poetica. Visit for information about Homler and all of her artistic activities.

Brian Raiter