quine /kwi:n/ n. [from the name of the logician Willard van Oman Quine, via Douglas Hofstadter] A program that generates a copy of its own source text as its complete output.

(from the Jargon File)

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Quines and INTERCAL

A basic feature of any quine is that it must have some chunk of data which is output twice: once as code, and once as data (i.e., itself). In a language that has identical representations for code and data, such as Lisp, creating this data can be relatively straightforward. In a language with powerful and terse string-manipulation capabilities, such as Perl, the data can be very small.

And then we have INTERCAL. Not only does INTERCAL have no concept of "data-as-code", it has no strings, as such. It quickly becomes clear that a large part of any INTERCAL quine will have to consist of many numbers to be output as the characters of the source code. The largest INTERCAL variable is the 32-bit integer, into which four characters can be interleaved, and then later unpacked and stored in an array to be output. Since there is no way to assign a value to more than one variable per statement, that adds up to a lot of statements.

Earlier INTERCAL Quines

The first INTERCAL quine I ever created was in February of 1997, and it was 18871 bytes long. It contained 644 statements, of which 530 were devoted to initializing a hybrid array. The next section of the program was the part that output these 530 lines of source code, and consisted of roughly 75 lines itself. (Much of those lines were for the routine to output a number in ASCII characters.) The remaining section created a tail array of 2120 elements, into which the interleaved characters in the hybrid array were separated out and stored, and then a single READ OUT brought the program to completion.

Having actually completed a successful INTERCAL quine, I then began to wonder about how to go about making it smaller. At first I concentrated on tightening up the code, reasoning that any savings would shrink the size of the array as well. However, I soon realized that the routines were already pretty skeletal, and there wasn't much I could do in that direction. (Although much later I would revise my opinion on that score.) That left me with the option of making the data itself more compact, and using slightly larger code to produce the actual characters. It didn't take long before the idea of using Huffman compression came to mind. Huffman compression is almost ideal for this task, since all the real work is up front in the encoding stage, and specifically in building the character translation table. The actual decoding process can be done in two lines of (obfuscated) C, once the binary tree is reconstructed, and mainly involves bit-twiddling, an activity that INTERCAL excels at (relatively speaking).

My first successful quine with Huffman compression was 11323 bytes long, completed in May 1997. In November 1998 I went on a protracted campaign of making the program shorter, and eventually released a version that was a mere 9130 bytes. This quine consisted of 412 statements, of which 292 statements initialized a hybrid array. This array contained the binary tree defining the Huffman code in its first 48 elements, with the remaining 244 elements being the encoded "bitstream".

In August 2003, I picked up the quine again and worked on making it smaller still. I made a modification to the Huffman compression wherein a given encoded symbol could automatically imply some number of bits to implicitly follow it. (Thus, for example, because the character D was always followed by an O character, all but the last bit of the code for O could be dropped from the bitstream.) This along with several reductions of the INTERCAL code itself allowed me to produce a quine that was 6758 bytes in size. This quine consisted of 323 statements, with a hybrid array of 211 elements: 41 for the Huffman tree, and 169 for the bitstream.

By this point I had become aware of the large amount of redundancy in the INTERCAL code, which even my variant Huffman compression couldn't take advantage of. However, switching to a more powerful compression scheme seemed hopeless. The INTERCAL routine that decompressed the Huffman-encoded bitstream was extremely terse. A more powerful compression scheme would be counterbalanced by requiring a larger amount of code to do the decompression. I looked around for compression schemes that allowed for trivial decompression algorithms, and eventually found one, called "Re-Pair".

Re-Pair Compression Overview

Re-Pair is short for "recursive pairing". (The name comes from a paper, "Offline Dictionary-Based Compression", by N. Jesper Larsson and Alistair Moffat. The term "byte pair" encoding is also sometimes seen.) Re-Pair compression uses a very simple coding scheme, in which frequently-occuring pairs of symbols are replaced by a single symbol, previously unused. A dictionary is thus created matching pairs of symbols to new symbols. Note that either or both of the symbols in the pair might themselves be dictionary entries. In this manner, long repeated sections can be encoded.

The simplest approach for encoding a stream in this manner is as follows:

  1. Scan the plaintext and find the most frequently-occuring pair of symbols.
  2. Replace the chosen pair everywhere it appears in the plaintext with a single new symbol.
  3. Append the encoding of the pair as the new symbol to the dictionary.
  4. Repeat, until no pair of symbols occurs more than once in the plaintext.

There are more sophisticated approaches, of course, but for short strings this greedy algorithm usually works as well as any other.

Decompressing a symbol from the compressed stream can be done with a simple recursive procedure:

  1. Look up the symbol in the dictionary.
  2. If the symbol does not have an entry, output the symbol directly.
  3. Otherwise, decompress the left-hand symbol in the entry, and then decompress the right-hand symbol in the entry.

The main drawback of this scheme is that compression is slow, and requires a fair amount of memory.

The Current INTERCAL Quine

The INTERCAL quine presented here, written on 30 June 2004, is 3629 bytes long. The Re-Pair compression scheme is the main reason for the improved compactness over previous quines. Also, the program's routines were completely rewritten in order to make the source more amenable to Re-Pair compression. Other techniques for shrinking the total size include juggling the assignment of dictionary index values so that the compressed string would require fewer characters when represented as decimal values in the source code, and doing a heuristic search for a set of line labels that maximized overall compression.

The following is a detailed description of the quine program. Note that the lines of code quoted here have been re-formatted for legibility; in the program, they are completely bereft of whitespace.

As always when analyzing a quine, there are two possible incarnations of the program to consider. One is the program that is executing, the other is the program that is being output. From the latter point of view, the program comes in three sections. The first section creates a hybrid array, the second section initializes the array's elements, and the third section contains everything else. The first section consists of a single statement, and is output directly at the end of the initialization routine. The second section is output by reconstructing the initialization statements from the array values. The third section is output by decompressing the bytestream stored in the array.

Here are the first two sections of the program:

	    DO ;2 <- #255
	    DO ;2SUB#1 <- #23948$#3181
	    DO ;2SUB#2 <- #2568$#53882
	    DO ;2SUB#3 <- #8776$#4650
	    DO ;2SUB#4 <- #1260$#40490
	[ ... skipping 99 lines ... ]
	    DO ;2SUB#104 <- #46820$#8021
	    DO ;2SUB#105 <- #14955$#6781
	    DO ;2SUB#106 <- #3484$#38981
	    DO ;2SUB#107 <- #62208$#0

In order for the dictionary to be simple to store and consult, the quine uses byte values above 128 for dictionary symbols. Values below 128 are automatically treated as ASCII character values. Because output values are bit-reversed, this translates into: even values represent ASCII characters, odd values represent dictionary entries.

The dictionary is stored in the first 63 elements of the hybrid array, with two entries per element. Since INTERCAL arrays don't have a zero element, only 126 dictionary entries are available. Entries for symbols 129 through 191 are stored in the top 16 bits of each array element, and entries for symbols 193 through 255 are stored in the bottom 16 bits. Each 16-bit value in turn contains two 8-bit symbol values, the left-hand symbol being in the top 8 bits.

The other 44 array elements comprise the bytestream that, when decompressed, recreates the program's third and final section.

Note, by the way, that none of the above lines begin with PLEASE. All of the quine's politesse is packed into the rest of the program.

The final element of ;2 is special in two ways. First and most visibly, it is the only entry that has all zero bits in the interleaved right half of its value. Second, it is the only entry that contains a zero byte. That is to say, when the 32-bit entries are separated into four sequential 8-bit values, this is the only entry that contains an octet equal to zero. These two different "zeroes" are each used as sentinels to indicate the end of the data. The former zero is used when outputting the second section, and the latter zero is used when outputting the third section.

The fact that ;2 is created with 255 elements when it only uses 107 is due to a minor optimization, which is explained below.

Having dispensed with sections one and two, it's time to examine section three. This is where the actual program is. To start, let's look at the subroutines. There are five main subroutines:

(4)     Call (1001).
(24)    Print the (bit-reversed) character in .2.
(1)     Print .1 as a decimal number.
(2)     Output the string represented by the compressed byte in .2.
(14)    Call (2) and then call (1).

Let us examine these before turning to the main program, starting with (4).

(4)	    DO (1001) NEXT

This one isn't really a subroutine, but it should be explained up front. The standard technique of handling conditionals is to set .5 to either #1 or #2 and then jump to a line which in turn jumps to (1001). In this program, however, most conditionals are handled by setting .5 to either #2 or #3. (This is because it usually requires fewer characters to create a #2 vs. #3 value than the more traditional #1 vs. #2.) This necessitates having an extra jump before reaching (1001), which is what this statement accomplishes.

Additionally, (4) is used in lieu of a RESUME statement, typically by calling (4) with .5 set to #3. The quine actually contains no RESUME statements. Instead, each subroutine is arranged to fall through to a DO (4) NEXT statement. In each case .5 is known to have the desired value, usually leftover from a previous test.

(24)	    DO STASH .1
	PLEASE .1 <- .4
	PLEASE .4 <- .2
	    DO (1010) NEXT
	    DO ,2SUB#1 <- .3~#255
	    DO (4) NEXT

(24) is a bare-bones character-output routine. It stores the previous character output in .4 so that it can subtract the following character from it. (Thus, all output in the program must be done through this routine.) .1 is frequently used in the program as a loop counter, so (24) STASHes .1 before performing the subtraction. ,2 is created as an one-element tail array — and .4 is set to #0 — at the start of the program.

Note that (24) does not affect the value of .5, so as per the comments in the previous section, the program can only safely DO (24) NEXT when .5 is already set to #3.

The next subroutine, (1), is our "itoa" function. This is the central component to outputting the second section:

(1)	PLEASE .5 <- '?"!1~.1'~#1"$#2'~#6
	PLEASE .2 <- #10
	    DO (4) NEXT
	    DO (1040) NEXT
	PLEASE .5 <- .1
	PLEASE .1 <- .3
	    DO (1030) NEXT
	    DO STASH .1
	PLEASE .1 <- .5
	PLEASE .2 <- .3
	    DO (1010) NEXT
	    DO STASH .3
	    DO (1) NEXT
	PLEASE .2 <- .3$#3
	PLEASE .2 <- !2~#15'$!2~#240'
	PLEASE .2 <- !2~#15'$!2~#240'
	    DO (24) NEXT

This is a recursive subroutine. On each recursion, one decimal digit is extracted from .1 until it reaches zero. So, the first step of the routine is to test the value of .1. If it is zero, then (1) returns to where it was called. (Note that this means that a value of zero is incorrectly rendered as an empty string. But see below.)

If .1 is non-zero, the subroutine first divides it by ten. It then takes the the resulting quotient and multiplies it by ten. By subtracting that product from the original number, the value of the lowest decimal digit is isolated. This value is stored in .3 and STASHed. Then the quotient is RETRIEVEd and (1) is called recursively. In this fashion the digits of the number are separated out and stored in a stack of STASHed .3 values, lowest to highest. When .1 reaches zero and the recursion bottoms out, the individual digit values are RETRIEVEd from highest to lowest. The part of the subroutine after the recursion adds 48 to the digits, bit-reverses the sum, and passes the resulting value to (24) to be output as an ASCII digit.

Note, by the way, that the code does not actually call (24) as shown above. Instead, the (1) subroutine is placed in the source file just above (24) in the source file, and execution is simply allowed to fall through. (In other words, the last two lines of the above subroutine are fictional, added here for the sake of clarity.)

There are a couple of side effects of this subroutine which should be mentioned here. The first one is that .1 will always be equal to zero by the time this subroutine returns to its caller. The second side effect involves the value of the bottom four bits of .2 when the subroutine returns to its original caller. Typically, these bits will always be equal to 12, as this is the top half of the bit-reversed value of the ASCII digit characters. However, in the lone case where (1) was called with .1 equal to zero, .2 will instead be equal to 10 (as you can see by inspecting the first two lines of the subroutine).

The next subroutine to examine is (2), the decompression routine. This is the central component to outputting the third section. It is also recursive; in fact, it is doubly recursive:

(2)	PLEASE .5 <- #1$!2~#1'
	    DO (20) NEXT
	    DO STASH :2
	PLEASE .5 <- #1$!2~#2'
	    DO :2 <- ;2SUB!2~#508'
	    DO (21) NEXT
	PLEASE .2 <- :2~#65280
	    DO (2) NEXT
	PLEASE .2 <- :2~#255
	    DO (2) NEXT
(20)	    DO (4) NEXT
	PLEASE .5 <- #1$"!2~.2'~#1"
	    DO (10) NEXT
	    DO (24) NEXT
	    DO (1001) NEXT
(21)	    DO (4) NEXT
	    DO :2 <- :2~'#65280$#65280'
	PLEASE .5 <- #3
(10)	    DO (4) NEXT

First, the low bit of .2 is tested. If it is zero, then .2 contains a valid bit-reversed ASCII character. In this case, the subroutine jumps to (20), where the character is output, and the subroutine immediately returns to the caller. Otherwise, .2's value is an index into our compression dictionary. The top six bits of the byte value in .2 is used as the index into ;2. The second-lowest bit is used to determine which half of :2 to use. If this bit is zero, then the code at (21) shifts the value in :2 down 16 bits. Then the subroutine calls itself recursively, once for each byte value stored in :2. In this way are the dictionary entries expanded to their full string values when output.

Now, there are two important aspects to the subroutine that the above paragraph skipped over. First, note that actually seven bits of .2, not six, are used for the index into ;2. The compression dictionary only occupies entries 1 through 63, however; the entries beyond 63 contain the compressed bytestream. Thus, this routine is also used to extract two bytes from the compressed string, and output their decompressed values.

Second, note that the code under (20) tests if .2 is equal to zero before calling (24). If so, the subroutine is diverted to the line following (10). So this means that the program can be made to end at any time by attempting to output a zero byte.

The final subroutine, (14), is very simple:

(14)	    DO (2) NEXT
	    DO (1) NEXT

The effect is to output the dictionary entry corresponding to the value in .2, followed by the decimal number stored in .1. (But note, once again, that the code does not actually call (1). Rather the (14) subroutine is placed before (1) in the source file, and execution is allowed to just fall through.)

Having covered the subroutines, and the initialization of the hybrid array, let us now turn to the main body of the program.

	PLEASE .1 <- #255
	PLEASE .2 <- .1
	    DO ,2 <- #1
	PLEASE .4 <- #0
	    DO (14) NEXT

The above lines complete the initialization section. The ,2 array is created and .4 is set to zero, as required by the (24) subroutine. Both .1 and .2 are set to 255 just before (14) is invoked. The (14) routine, remember, simply calls (2) and (1) sequentially. (2) expands the value 255 in .2 into the output string "DO;2<-#", and (1) outputs the value in .1 as the string "255". The total effect is that the first line of the program is output. This completes the printing of the first section.

	    DO (1020) NEXT
	    DO STASH .1
	PLEASE .2 <- #155
	    DO :2 <- ;2SUB.1
	    DO (14) NEXT
	PLEASE .2 <- #11
	PLEASE .1 <- :2~'#65535$#0'
	    DO (14) NEXT
	PLEASE .2 <- #15
	PLEASE .1 <- :2~'#0$#65535'
	    DO (14) NEXT
	PLEASE .5 <- .2~#6
(3)	    DO (4) NEXT

This loop outputs section two of source code, i.e. the statements that initialize ;2. .1 is the loop counter, initialally set to zero by the previous call to (2), and incremented at the start of each iteration by (1020). The body of the loop calls (14) three separate times. The first time, .2 is set to 155. (2) expands 155 to the string "DO;2SUB#", and (1) prints the value of the loop counter. The second time, .2 is set to 11, which expands to the string "<-#", and .1 is set to the left-interleaved bits in :2 (which contains the current element of ;2). For the third call to (14), .2 is set to 15, which expands to the string "$#", and .1 gets the right-interleaved bits of :2. In this fashion, a single line of source code is reconstructed and output.

Finally, at the bottom of the loop body, two bits from .2 are extracted and stored in .5 before calling (4). Recall that (1) leaves a value of 12 in the bottom four bits of .2, and therefore .5 will get set to 2, thus causing (4) to do nothing. Except, that is, in the case when (1) is called with .1 set to zero — in this case case, .2 will have a value of 10 in its bottom bits, which will put a value of 1 in .5. The upshot of this is that the loop will exit when it encounters an element of ;2 whose right-interleaved half is equal to zero. Conveniently, this is true only for final element of ;2.

At this point the program has completed the output of section two. The third and final section to be output is what is encoded in the elements of ;2, in Re-Pair compressed form. All that remains is to decompress and output this data. (Note, by the way, that the first character encoded in this data is a "0" character. This is because the final "0" character of section two hasn't been printed out yet, because as noted above the (2) routine renders a zero value as an empty string.)

(4)	    DO (1001) NEXT
	PLEASE .1 <- #255
	    DO (1020) NEXT
	    DO (1020) NEXT
	PLEASE .2 <- .1
(34)	    DO (2) NEXT

In this loop, .1 starts out equal to 255, which corresponds to the final entry in the compression dictionary. On each iteration .1 is increased by two; on the first iteration this leaves .1 equal to 257, referring to the first two bytes of the compression string. This value is then transferred to .2 and (2) is called. This causes two bytes from the bytestream stored in ;2 to be extracted, decompressed, and output. The reason for increasing by two on each iteration is that the value passed to (2) must always be odd; even values correspond to literal ASCII character values.

This loop continues until the zero bytes at the end of the data are reached, which, as noted above, cause (2) to end the program. The quine has completed the printing of the third section, and thus the entire quine.

For the unadulterated awfulness of it all, here is what the quine looks like in its entirety. Line breaks have been inserted, but the real program contains no whitespace of any kind. (Be aware that these line breaks will prevent this code from successfully compiling. If you want a working copy of the quine, please use the link at the top of this page.) Note that the part of the program that was so meticulously discussed above occupies roughly a third of the source code. The long initial sequence of assignment statements constitute the majority of the program.


Brian Raiter